Leviticus 7 to 9 continue with the teachings about God’s holiness and the expectation that the people would stand out from their neighbours as they obey God in all areas of life.  Chapter 7 covers the requirements for the trespass offering, given by the priest for atonement; the peace offering, which can be offered for thanksgiving, for a vow or voluntarily.  It also covers guidelines for offerings that are not acceptable and restrictions on eating fat or blood.  The chapter concludes with God’s provision for the priests by giving them part of the offerings that the people brought.

Chapter 8 relates the consecration and anointing of Aaron and his sons to the high priestly position along with the anointing of their garments.  Moses also anoints the tabernacle with anointing oil and various sacrifices are then offered with the blood being used on the altar.  Aaron and his sons remain in the tabernacle for seven days and nights, which is the duration of their consecration period.

This section of reading concludes in chapter 9.  On the eighth day, after their time of consecration, Aaron performs his first set of offerings – offering for himself and offering for the people.  He and Moses then bless the people and the glory of God appears. Fire falls on the sacrifices on the altar and consumes it.  The people respond in awe, shouting and falling on their faces.


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