Bible Summary
Genesis Chapter 43: This chapter tells us how the famine became strong and Israel formerly known as Jacob told his sons to go back to Egypt to buy more food but they were afraid because of the instruction given to them by Joseph because the first time they went to Egypt to buy food, he told them that when next they are coming, they must come with the last son Benjamin. Israel was afraid to let go of Benjamin because of what the other brothers did to Joseph, but they had to persuade the father and Judah made a promise that he will bring Benjamin back before he finally allowed Benjamin to follow them.

Lesson learnt: Jacob’s faith appears to be weakened because he relied on gifts again just like he did to his brother esau. And once again God shows himself to be faithful.

Chapter 44: This chapter tells us how the son’s of Israel were on their way back to Canaan with everything they came for. They have the grain they need to avoid starvation. They have Simeon, released from prison after being held as security. And they have Benjamin, safe and well. They even have their money back again returned. They have not yet realized that it is Joseph with whom they've dealt with is the one that is testing them Joseph's test continues by having his own personal, valuable silver cup hidden in the grain sack carried by Benjamin. Under Joseph's orders, the steward catches up with the brothers on the road back to Canaan. He questions them harshly, accusing them of stealing the cup. Naturally, the brothers protest loudly. They have no idea the cup is with them. Seeking to prove their innocence, they make a foolish offer: if any of them are found with the cup, that man will be killed, and the rest will become slaves to the ruler. The steward, who put the cup in Benjamin’s sack, makes a show of searching all the others before finding it there and they return to the city along with Benjamin and the steward Joseph insist that the men can go free but Benjamin must stay behind as a slave. Fortunately for them all, Judah speaks on behalf of the family and pleaded for Joseph to take him as a slave that if they leave Benjamin behind the father might die.
Lesson learnt: We can out grow from sin because Judah that was the master minder was the one begging and making peace he even sacrifices to be in Benjamin’s position

Chapter 45: This is a chapter filled with revelations. It begins with Joseph revealing his identity to his brothers. It ends with those brothers revealing that their father's beloved son Joseph is not dead; he is living as a ruler in Egypt. The brothers were surprise. To convince them, Joseph tells them he is the one they sold into slavery all those years ago. In this situation, they naturally would have expected to suffer Joseph’s vengeance. Instead, Joseph rushes to assure them that God was ultimately in control of sending him to Egypt as a teenager. What they did with evil motives, God allowed for the good of their family and the world. Joseph had clearly spent many years processing his many struggles. He had reached the remarkable conclusion that God’s intent was to make him a ruler in Egypt to save them all from famine. Joseph sent his brothers back with gifts to bring his father to Egypt because he wanted to see him.
Lesson learnt: God’s purpose must be fulfilled in our lives and sometimes he uses our enemies to accomplish the mission just like what Joseph brother’s did


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