Bible Summary

Exodus Chapter 13: This chapter is telling us the laws which God told Moses to tell the children of Israelites after he delivered them from hands of pharaoh so God told Moses to tell them to always sacrifice the first offspring of every Animal in remembrance of how God killed every first born of the Egyptian to deliver them from the hands of pharaoh and God also direct them places to pass so the Egyptian don’t catch up with them and take them into slavery again and finally they took Joseph bones because they made a promise to him that whenever the children of Israelites are leaving Egypt they will carry his bones with them.
Lesson learnt: We should always obey God’s direction

Exodus Chapter 14: In this chapter God hardened the heart of pharaoh again to go after the children of Israelite because God wants to take all the Glory. And so pharaoh took his horseman and went after the children of Israelite and God told Moses what to do by stretching his hand to path the red sea for the children of Israelites to pass God killed all Pharaoh’s men in the sea when they wanted to cross the red sea to catch the children of Israelites.

Lesson learnt: God wants us to always trust in Him and take all the Glory, God doesn’t want any man to share his Glory

Exodus Chapter 15: In this chapter the children of Israelites praised God for rescuing them from the hands of pharaoh and they were very happy. But while they were going, they needed water and they started complaining again and God told Moses what to do so they can get clean water. God told them to always trust in him and if they disobey Him, He will place same curse of Egypt upon them
Lesson learnt: God don’t want you to complain and God hate sin so don’t disobey God’s law.


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