Ecclesiastes 9
God knows and is aware of all that we do . Our time on earth should be spent courteously. We should live with the fear of God because after we die we can't change anything anymore.
Moreover we should be diligent in whatever we are doing. Our carrer ,ministry , services and so on .
Verse 10 . 'whatsoever thy hand findeth to do ,do it with all the might ,for there is no knowledge,nor wisdom ,in the grave, wither thou goest . '

Ecclesiastes 10
We should live blameless giving our whole to God. Our speech should be with grace. We should allow the holy spirit to lead us in our utterances.
We should apply wisdom in all that we do. We should not only be hardworking but we should be smart working . Vs 10 ' if the iron be blunt ,and he do not wet the edge ,then must he put to more strength: but the wisdom is profitable to direct. '

Ecclesiastes 11
This chapter is rich with alot of great wise words. 'Cast your bread on waters : for thou shalt find it after many days. ' Having a diversified income streams. Having multiple investments.
' he that observeth the wind shall not sow ; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap '
We should make hay when the sun shines and keep away from procrastination.
We should learn to live in the present , keep our heart from worries and live at peace.

Ecclesiastes 12
'Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth ,while the evil days come not ,nor the years dewa nigh ,when thou shall say ,I have no pleasure in them.
We are to give our total commitment to God while we are still in the most active years of of life.


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