Ps 1-2
 Ps 1 starts off speaking of those who follow in God’s ways and those that do not.  It says blessed are those who delight in the law (ways) of the Lord and who meditate on his word day and night.  This reminds me of Joshua 1:8 where God instructs us to “meditate” on the word day and night, meaning you must read it more than once and as you read it, He begins to speak through His word to you directly on a personal level.   
 It also speaks about that person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whatever they do will prosper.  Take heed because as you meditate on his word, He will lead, guide and direct you. He will give you instructs and as you follow those instructs, it will yield good fruit. --- good result. Continues with a comparison of the righteous and the wicked.  For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads only to destruction.  Know that you cannot do anything evil or wicked and get good results. 
In Psalm 2, talks about the power and authority of the Lord and that the nations are God’s inheritance and that He will rule over them with justice and righteousness. It is actually a prayer for all nations, which we know in these days that’s definitely needed.  It ends with blessed are those who takes refuges in Him.


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