Our Game of the Year Roundtable podcast series is a series of 10 shows with a member of IrrationalPassions.com hosting a roundtable discussion with a variety of guests from independent outlets, blogs, and channels having a conversation about 10 games from 2017 that really stood out. These 10 games aren't reflective of Irrational Passion's top 10 games of 2017, just 10 games we thought were very special, and wanted to talk about.

Jurge Cruz sits down with three guests to discuss Night in the Woods, the characters and the story they take a part in. Join us for this warm talk about an intimate game. Be warned, there are spoilers for the game in this episode.

Your panelists are:

Nick Clay - @nik_clay - youtube.com/nikclay

Moises Taveras - @platanoranger -  Writer at Ok Beast

Caitlin Galiz-Rowe - @CGRRRRRRRR - Founder and Editor at Your Geeky Gal Pal 

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