It seems too often that euphemisms in our culture go beyond softening social interaction to propping up the powerful. This week Allen and Jeff explore euphemistic language in various Scriptures, political spin, and how it might create life (or manufacture manipulation) in our own speech. Maybe we don’t take language seriously enough? More pointedly, how do we choose between softening words to foster connection and, on the other hand, telling it like it is and speaking truth to power?

Also in this episode Jeff and Allen bring back a classic segment formally called ‘Jesus or Jay-Z?’.  However, in light of their conversation on language, Jeff and Allen realize it is probably time for a segment name-change.  Listen to find out why and give your suggestion on what would be a more fitting.


Main Conversation on Euphemisms (02:48)

Jesus or Jay-Z Segment (41:50)



From Our Conversation on Euphemisms

Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time (Article) The Actual Study Reconciling Scripture with Science – EVILution – 003 (Irenicast Episode) Waiting for Your Boaz (Blog) Ruth 3:7 (Boaz’s ‘feet’ uncovered) 1 Samuel 24:3-4 (Saul uncovers his ‘feet’ to relieve himself) Isaiah 7:20 (The hair of their ‘feet/legs’ shaved) Johnny Q Public (Christian Band) Women of Zion by Johnny Q Public (Song) Isaiah 3:17 (Their ‘foreheads’ are laid bare) Genesis 24:1-4 (Places his hand on his ‘thigh’) Genesis 21:9-10 (Ishmael ‘playing’ or ‘mocking’) Judges 11:39-40 (he did to her according to the vow he made) Euphemisms are dangerous (An unfortunate blog post Jeff refers to in regard to sex workers) Worst euphemism of the decade: ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ (Article) Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse (Wiki Article) Roseanne Barr Leaves Twitter, Apologizes After Racially Charged Tweet Sparks Outrage (Example article headline using a euphemism for racist) George Orwell (English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic) The Hidden Danger of Euphemisms (Article Jeff mentions with the quote “Euphemistic language is the timeless enemy of anyone concerned with clarity.) Human bias is a huge problem for AI. Here’s how we’re going to fix it (Article)


Evangelist Franklin Graham: “Progressive” Is Just “Another Word for Godless” (Blog Post) Shane Claiborne Says Liberty U Threatened to Have Him Arrested After Asking Falwell For Campus Prayer Vigil (Article) FBI: Hate crimes reach 5-year high in 2016, jumped as Trump rolled toward presidency (Article)


From Our Segment (This segment has also been done on episodes #001, #013, #022 & #060)

Leaving Evangelicalism – East of Eden – 001 (Irenicast Episode) Break Free by Decyfer Down (YouTube Video) Secular vs Sacred – Part 1, Stories – 024 Secular vs Sacred – Part 2, Spaces – 025 Secular vs Sacred – Part 3, Selves – 026 Holy Diver by Dio (YouTube Video) Christian Rock Hard (South Park Episode S07E09) Plus One (Christian Boy Band) Heathens by 21 Pilots (YouTube Video) Stressed Out by 21 Pilots (YouTube Video) Kill Me, Heal Me by Skillet (YouTube Video) Facing Changes by Hangnail (YouTube Video) I Need Love by LL Cool J (YouTube Video)


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Jeff Manildi | co-host and producer | [email protected]

Jeff is the husband to an incredibly strong woman and father of two captivating young ladies.  He is currently the Director of Discipleship at a United Methodist church on the central coast of California.  In addition to getting his B.A. in Theology, he also received his ordination through the prestigious online organization of The Universal Life Church whose alumni include the likes of Conan O’Brien and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  Jeff loves all things that tell a story: people, movies, tv, music, comics, etc.

You can follow Jeff (@JeffManildi) on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.  Also check out Jeff’s other podcast Divine Cinema.

Allen O’Brien | co-host | [email protected]

Allen received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from The Master's College and an M.A. in Theology and Biblical Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, making him the illegitimate child of both conservative and moderately progressive evangelicalism. He has worked in church ministry since 2006 and is currently solo-pastoring at his local UCC congregation. When not ministering, Allen throws things to his border collie Sonata and writes for multiple platforms.

You can follow Allen (@AllenOB) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Good Reads.  Also if you are in the Sacramento, CA area check out Allen’s brick and mortar version of this podcast called Intersections.


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