This week we are continuing the conversation on Changing Truth and officially wrapping up our 4 part truth series.  This is the audio from our live conversation with listeners on Facebook and YouTube.  Thank you to everyone who participated.  We had some great comments and questions.  Check us out on Facebook and YouTube the Monday after each regular episode at 5pm PST.


This list is an evolving anti-racist resource list, and consists of material we have found helpful in our journey into anti-racism.  To view the update list please visit  To recommend resources to be added to the list please email us at [email protected].

In addition to the informational resources below, you can also go to Ways You Can Help for information on real steps you can take to make a difference wherever you are.



I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone Race Matters by Cornel West Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X Kendi The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander What Movies Teach About Race: Exceptionalism, Erasure, and Entitlement by Roslyn M. Satchel Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US by Lenny Duncan Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment: A Developmental Strategy to Liberate Everyone by Leticia Nieto Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates Raising White Kids: Bringing up Children in a Racially Unjust America by Jennifer Harvey All the Colors of the Earth by Sheila Hamanaka Black is Brown is Tan by Arnold Adoff Two Mrs. Gibsons by Toyomi Igus


People to Follow

Austin Channing Brown (Author) Tori Williams Douglass (Anti-Racist Educator, Founder of White Homework) Andre Henry (Musician, Artist, Podcaster, Activist) Nikole Hannah-Jones (Journalist)



Hope & Hard Pills Intersectionality Matters Code Switch Truth’s Table



The Next Question (Web Series) 13th (2016 Netflix Documentary) Blindspotting (2018 Film) Get Out (2017 Film)



Black Lives Matter Showing Up For Racial Justice Ida B. Wells Society Understanding Race



White Privilege Curriculum from the UCC


Articles & Other Resource Lists

An Antiracist Reading List by Ibram X. Kendi on books to help America transcend its racist heritage. (New York Times Article) Educate Yourself: An Essential Anti-Racism Reading Guide by Dan Ahwa (Viva Article)

None of the links on this list will use our Amazon Affiliate links.  If there is anything on this list to be purchased they will be linked to POC owned businesses or to the author’s own site.


During quarantime, we are offering additional ways to connect via Facebook Live.  You can find us on Facebook at

On Thursdays, Casey will be popping on to share his thoughts on the week and let you know about what else might be happening with the show.  He is calling this time Thoughtful Thursdays.

Every Sunday morning at 10am PST, Jeff and Rajeev are going to live to hangout.  It is a great opportunity to ask questions, share some of our favorite things and have a generally good time.  We’re calling it Sunday Mic Check.

And finally, as a supplement to the podcasts we will be starting something called, Continuing the Conversation.  This will be an opportunity give your thoughts on the current Irenicast episode in addition to getting a preview for the next episode.  We will be doing this the Mondays after new episodes post at 5pm PST.


From Our Continuing the Conversation on Changing Truth

The Truth Series so Far What Is Truth? – Spilling the Capital Tea – 165 Continuing the Conversation on Episode #165 – What is Truth – 165b Moral Truth – Relative or Reality? – 166 Continuing the Conversation on Moral Truth – 166b Who Tells the Truth? – Rajeev’s Three R’s – 167 Continuing the Conversation on Who Tells the Truth - 167b Changing Truth - An Ever Evolving Journey - 168 Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment A Developmental Strategy to Liberate Everyone by Leticia Nieto (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) Aurora police ban carotid pressure holds, maneuver used to restrain Elijah McClain, who died after encounter (Denver Post Article)


You can always count on Irenicast providing a free podcast on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.  However, that does not mean that we do not have expense related to the show.  If we have provided value to you and you would like to support the show, here are a few options.

PAYPAL - You can make a one-time, or recurring, tax-deductible donation to the show through PayPal. Just go to to make your donation. We are a 501(c)(3).

MERCH - Irenicast has a merch store at  We are always developing more items so check out our current offerings.

AMAZON - Next time you go to make a purchase on Amazon consider using our Amazon affiliate link.  This will give us a small portion on everything you purchase.  No additional cost will be passed on to you.


Rev. Allen O’Brien, MAT | co-founder & co-host | [email protected]

You can connect with Allen (@RevAllenOB) on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, GoodReads, & LinkedIn.

Rev. Bonnie Rambob, MDiv | co-host | [email protected]

You can connect with Bonnie on Facebook and at Parkside Community Church-UCC

Pastor Casey Tinnin, MTS | co-host | [email protected]

You can follow Casey on Twitter and Facebook, or you can check out his blog The Queerly Faithful Pastor or

Jeff Manildi | co-founder, producer & co-host | [email protected]

Follow Jeff (@JeffManildi) on facebook, instagram & twitter.  You can also listen to Jeff’s other podcast Divine Cinema.

Rev. Rajeev Rambob, MCL | co-host | [email protected]

You can follow Rajeev on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn


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Intro and Outro music created by Mike Golin.

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