Jeff and Allen have another conversation with Jennifer Knapp about the many things she is currently working on.  The discussion takes us through her recently finished theology degree from Vanderbilt University, her upcoming tour and finally one of her favorite cooking methods.

For those unfamiliar with Jennifer Knapp’s work, she has been a recording artist since the late 1990s.  She started her music as a CCM artist. After an extended hiatus and coming out as a lesbian Jennifer started the second half of her musical career outside CCM.  She refers to her current musical trajectory as career 2.0.

In addition to being an accomplished singer and songwriter Jennifer is also the founder of a non-profit  called Inside Out Faith.  Inside Out Faith helps faith communities educate, affirm and foster support of LGBTQ persons and their allies.

In this episode Jennifer shares how her theological education is shaping her current work and gives some solid recommended reading for anyone looking to move forward in their religious exploration.  Her recommendations include works from Karen Armstrong, Diarmaid MacCulloch and John Shelby Spong.

She also shares more about her upcoming tour in which she plays songs from her career 1.0 as a CCM artist.  She talks about that the tour was at the request of her fans, many of whom have grown right alongside Jennifer and view many of her songs, old and new, as the soundtrack of their lives.  Her upcoming Christmas music with Margaret Becker is also discussed.

Finally, we end on a lighter note as Jeff and Jennifer nerd out on the wonder that is cooking Sous Vide.  They share go-to recipes practically turning the show into a foodie podcast.

To find out more about Jennifer Knapp and all her work visit her website at


From Another Conversation with Jennifer Knapp

A Conversation with Jennifer Knapp – Isolation, Creativity & Career 2.0 – 102 (First Irenicast episode with Jennifer Knapp) Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Theologian) Reinhold Niebuhr (Theologian) Matthias Roberts (Host of the Queerology Podcast) Live from SpiritPride Vancouver – E56 (Queerology Podcast Episode) Wesleyan Quadrilateral (Methodology for Theological Reflection) A History of God by Karen Armstrong (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) The Reformation by Diarmaid Macculloch (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) Bart Ehrman (Biblical Scholar & Author - Amazon Affiliate Link) Jesus for the Non-Religious by John Shelby Spong (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) The Future of Faith by Harvey Cox (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) Bonnie Raitt (Musician) The B-52's - Love Shack (Official Music Video) Tracy Chapman (Musician) Natalie Merchant (Musician) Tommy Boy Movie CLIP - JoJo the Idiot Circus Boy (YouTube Video) Chris Farley Interview with Paul McCartney (YouTube Video) Margaret Becker (Musician) Jennifer Knapp Concerts through Concert Window Sous-vide (Wiki) ChefSteps Joule Sous Vide (Amazon Affiliate Link) Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker (Amazon Affiliate Link) Inside Out Faith (Jennifer Knapp’s LGBTQ+ Advocacy Group)


At 48:11 Jeff mentions Jennifer Knapp’s online concert series called Second Thursdays, however Jeff mistakenly refers to them as Second Tuesdays.


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Jeff Manildi | co-host and producer | [email protected]

Jeff  is the Director of Discipleship at a United Methodist church on the central coast of California and co-founder of Irenicast.  In addition to getting his B.A. in Theology, he also received his ordination through the prestigious online organization of The Universal Life Church whose alumni include the likes of Conan O’Brien and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.  Jeff loves all things that tell a story: people, movies, tv, music, comics, etc.

You can follow Jeff (@JeffManildi) on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.  You can also listen to Jeff’s other podcast Divine Cinema.

Rev. Allen O’Brien | co-host | [email protected]

Allen is the pastor of a UCC church in Northern California and co-founder of Irenicast. He believes in the importance of education, peace, and ecology, throws things to his border collie Sonata, and writes for multiple platforms.

You can follow Allen (@RevAllenOB) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Good Reads.  Also if you are in the Sacramento, CA area check out Allen’s brick and mortar version of this podcast called Intersections.


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