August is supposed to be a quiet month in Washington DC, but this year, it was just the prelude to what promises to be a busy autumn.  

In this episode, the IPA’s CEO Brian Tate, and Chris Stromberg, IPA’s head of government relations, talk about where things stand today and what will shape the payments ecosystem in the months to come.   

They talk about the philosophical approaches the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are taking towards fintechs, the midterm elections, and ongoing lawsuits that may shape the industry. 

The IPA would like to thank its member sponsor Netspend for its support of this podcast.   

If you want to keep up with what all of this means for your compliance obligations, then join the IPA on September 29 in Chicago for our 2022 Compliance boot Camp. Learn more and register today at: 2022 Compliance Boot Camp (

To attend the IPA’s reception at Money 2020, register at: Money 20/20 2022 Event | Money 2020 RSVP Blank (