The regulatory environment for payments has become very active over the past few weeks, with proposed rules, congressional hearings, and even lawsuits. In this episode of the IPA Payments Pod, our CEO, Brian Tate, and our Government Relations Director, Grant Hannah, help to make sense of everything.  

There are proposed rules on transaction routing and advertising FDIC insurance. There is a lawsuit over interchange fees. And a major fintech was sanctioned in two states for its advertising. This is all just the tip of the iceberg  

To stay in the know, subscribe to this podcast and make sure to attend the IPA-member government relations calls. If you are not a member, visit to learn how to join.  

The regulatory environment for payments has become very active over the past few weeks, with proposed rules, congressional hearings, and even lawsuits. In this episode of the IPA Payments Pod, our CEO, Brian Tate, and our Government Relations Director, Grant Hannah, help to make sense of everything.  

There are proposed rules on transaction routing and advertising FDIC insurance. There is a lawsuit over interchange fees. And a major fintech was sanctioned in two states for its advertising. This is all just the tip of the iceberg  

To stay in the know, subscribe to this podcast and make sure to attend the IPA-member government relations calls. If you are not a member, visit to learn how to join.