Karlee Golightly MPP, RD is a queer & gender expansive dietitian who takes an intersectional, therapeutic approach to their work to support and uplift folks in marginalized bodies. In addition to seeing courageous clients in their private practice, Moxie Mind, they counsel other brave, thoughtful dietitians who care deeply about their clients and anti-oppressive work. Aside from 1:1 and group supervision for RDs, Karlee also teaches nutrition at MSU Denver and hosts Counseling Skills for Dietitians Who Give a Damn - a virtual training series for RDs to hone their skills through an affirming lens.
For more information visit The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website; To contact Karlee and learn more about their content: @MoxieMind instagram; Moxie Mind Website where you can learn more about their online courses, 1:1 supervision, group supervision, or to refer clients! Resources discussed:  Your Body is Not an Apology - Sonya Renee Taylor, Body of Truth - Harriet Brown, Fearing the Black Body - Sabrina Strings, Care Work - Lakshmi and Piepzna-Samarasinha, What We Don’t Talk About When we Talk About Fat - Aubrey Gordon, Decolonizing Wellness - Dalia Kinsey