Show notes:

Deepak Puri of Network World reports that the Ava IoT Bracelet can make it easier to get pregant. With IoT being all about sensors and data, what better way to help struggling parents find the optimum time to get pregnant. There is only a 12-24 hour window each month when an egg can be fertilized and identifying that accurately can significantly increase a woman's ability to get pregnant. Currently there are 3 methods that have been used, the Calendar Method, Ovulation test kits, and Core Body temperature. All of these have issues with accuracy. The Ava passively monitors Resting pulse rate, skin temperature, heart rate variability, amount of sleep, breathing rate, perfusion (how much blood is supplying the tissues of the body), bioimpedance (electrical resistance), and heat loss to 89% accurately predict a fertile period (an average of 5.3% fertile periods during one cycle). Ava is a Class 1 medical device. Patients are notified via mobile app as to the ideal time for conception.
Mary Goldspik the CEO of EverOpen writes in readwrite about the 5 women who are changing the IoT world. Tech as a whole tends to be a male dominated industry with approximately 91% of engineers being men, and only about 5% of all VC funding goes to women led startups. And the few that did raise money averaged onloy $36,000 as compared to white male raise averages of $1.3 million. But these 5 women are defying the odds. Alicia Asin is co-founder and CEO of Libelium which is a wireless sensor network platform that delivers open-source, low-power consumpiton devices in use for Smart Cities. Ayah Bdeir is the CEO of littleBits Electronics which is an easy to use electronic building block platform that helps inventors create whatever they want. Anne Lauvergeon is the Chairman of SigFox which provides dedicated cellular connectivity for IoT and M2M communications. Limor Fried is the founder of Adafruit which is a manufacturing company. And lastly, Meredith Perry is the founder and CEO of uBeam which is a wireless power company that transmits power over the air to charge electronic devices.
Andrew Prokip in No Jitter writes about the Silicon labs Sensor puck. it's a 1.5 inch diameter circuit board that can measure temperature, relative humidity, ambient light, UV index, and heartrate. Powered by a standard 3 volt CR2032 battery, the Sensor Puck can be used as a standalone telemetry device, or be integrated into larger solutions that use telemetry, but are not necessarily focused on it.

The Puck uses BLE to broadcast real-time data to any interested party. Silicon Labs provides their own mobile apps for Android or iPhone (shown below). Additionally, third parties can develop middleware components that collect data from the sensor while providing a Web services API for systems integrators.
The IoT Customers are Coming, are you Ready? asks Jim MacKay Fortegra in Multichannel news. In the consumer space, IoT is just starting to take off, and as it reaches peak hype, companies need to be prepared for how they deliver. Jim states that you must 1) know your customer - be sure that your target audience matches your marketing, 2) provide flexible solutions, 3) Be prepared to Scale - this is the tough one, as demand can easily outpace supply, and 4) Prepare for price regulations - he expects the FCC to regulate the market, especially around the cost of the conectivity.
Janakiram MSV reports in Forbes that it takes 10 Steps to successfully implement Enterprise IoT. Since IoT crosses so many business units in the enterprise, it is important to follow these steps. 1) Define business goals and the expected outcome, 2) Identify the hardware and devices for the solution, 3) Prepare the data points and metrics aligned with the outcome, 4) Define the connectivity and data format, 5) Implement security, governance and policy across each layer, 6) Identify reference datasets required for transforming senor data, 7) factor in machine learning and predictive analytics, 8) define hot path analytics for real time processing, 9) define cold path for long term batch processing, and 10) design an intuitive user experience for business decision makers.