(sorry blogspot was having trouble embedding this morning.)

Show Notes:

Tata Consultancy Services' Digital Software & Solutions Group has launched TCS Customer Intelligence & Insights for Retail, a software application that enables retailers to leverage data from in-store sensors or other Internet of Things (IoT) devices to deepen relationships with customers through more personalized customer engagement strategies, writes Leonard Klie in destination "The Internet of Things is further blurring the lines between traditional and online retailing, forcing marketers to reconstruct the customer's journey with their brands across both physical and virtual worlds," she says.

Customer Intelligence & Insights for Retail helps them move from hit-or-miss marketing to highly relevant, timely interactions delivered in the right context, Hariharan points out. "With it, retailers can understand their customers better and segment them better," she says. The technology then allows them to "drive very personalized campaigns, drive offers based on the context of the customer and the location of the customer, and then measure the outcome from those campaigns."
Tom Couglin reports in Forbes that Big Storage is the new reality in VR. At the recent Intel Developer Forum, Brian Krzanich the CEO of Intel introduced Project Alloy, an all in one VR headset that is wireless and self-contaned with compute and sensors included in the headset. Intel will open source the hardware and software in the second half of 2017. Because of the way that VR works, with multiple data points that are stiched together in order to create a seamless experience, that the storage needs of VR will be enourmous. Estimates of about 230 Exabytes by 2021 would be needed. An exabyte is one billion gigabytes.
Industrial IoT is expected to increase energy efficiecy and slash carbon emissions writes Sumity Paul in readwrite. In our recent history, much of the manufacturing process has been moved out of locations such as the US and Eurore in favor of countries such as India or China. This was done for a number of reasons, lower wages in said countries, but more perhaps for the lax environmental regulations that allow for the pollutants that such industry create. IoT has the promise of better monitoring of resources thus eliminating waste of those resources meaning less pollution and energy usage. IoT can also help make the processess more efficient leading to increased productivity with less resource usage.
Also in readwrite, David Curry asks "Can IoT provide agriculture with an annual bumper crop?" Alvarez Technology group is betting hard on IoT and is working hard to automate agriculture. They plan to have equipment in place within the next 5 years that halfs the number of head-count that farms need to produce the same or more goods. At the same time, they expect that the crops will be able to double their output.
Jason DeMers in Forbes gives us 6 Predictions for how IoT will affect online marketing and SEO. 1) Search will become more conversational - Alexa, Siri, etc. 2) Organic click-through rate will fall - able to cut out the middle man, 3) SERP's will transform or disappear - can go directly to the source, 4) Optimization will no longer primarily focus on Google, 5) Personalization will be huge, 6) Residential marketing will increase in importance