Show Notes:

David Thornton of Federal News Radio reports that NIST is first to ask "What is the Internet of thing anyway." Jeffrey Voas of the National Institute of Standards and Technology set out to find a satisfactory definition of IoT 2 years ago. Jeffrey prefers the term NoT of IoT (Network of Things) and has determined that NoT consists fo 4 fundamentatals: Computation, Communication, Actuation, and Sensing. He goes on to break NoT down into 5 primatives. Sensors – a physical device which collects raw data.
Aggregators – software that converts raw data into meaningful groupings.
Communication channels – how data is transmitted (e.g. USB, wireless, wired).
External utilities – software or hardware products or services that “execute processes or feed data into the overall workflow of a NoT (e.g. databases, mobile devices, clouds, CPUs).”
Decision trigger – a conditional expression that triggers an action.”
Computer Weekly carries a story by Rob Bamforth about how IoT is being tailored to the specific business. He warns that many implementations are all about the raw data, often to the detriment of the actual solution, stating that focusing on the volume of data over everything else will lead to problems. He says that all deployments should take the 4 V's into account: velocity, variety, veracity, and value. You need some way to verify the data that you are collecting to be sure that your assumptions are correct. You should also use more than just the default data set, perhaps by comparing to a like data set from another source. And while speed to a decision is important, he cautions that making a decision real-time just because you can, isn't necessarily the correct answer. And finally, is the analysis of all that data going to lead to an actual decision that brings value.
​Intel and SK Telecom team up on WebRTC IoT devices. Intel and SK Telecom will jointly develop Internet of Things (IoT) devices that use Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology that will allow voice and video calls without a phone in the future reports Cho Mu-Hyun in ZDNet. Chip giant Intel and South Korea's largest wireless carrier SK Telecom will co-develop IoT devices that use WebRTC, the companies announced at the sidelines of Intel Developer Forum.

WebRTC is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for the next-generation web browser data transfer for videos and voices.

The firms will jointly develop technology that will allow WebRTC to be applied on Intel's IoT module, the Edison, and develop devices that will support video and voice calls.

Non-phones devices can be custom-made to support video and voice calls depending on the client's need, SK Telecom said.

The companies will provide their respective SDKs for WebRTC for free to lure developers.

SK Telecom in South Korea provides a commercial service version of WebRTC, called PlayRTC, a voice and video call service platform for enterprise clients.
Martyn Williams in ComputerWorld reports that Cisco is cutting 5500 jobs. The cuts account for about 7% of its global workforce. The layoffs come from some of Cisco's smaller and more mature business where long-term growht prospects are low. The layoffs will correspond to a restructuring as Cisco refocuses on IoT, Security, Collaboration, Next Gen Data centers, and the Cloud.
Yahoo Finance reports that the Smart Card Alliance launches a new IoT Security and Privacy Information Hub. The Smart Card Alliance today announced a new content portal,, as part of its expanded focus to provide educational resources and guidance for implementing secure Internet of Things (IoT) architectures using embedded security and privacy technology. The portal features relevant news, resources, expert commentary and thought leadership on the security and privacy of IoT for technology and service providers, IT and security experts, integrators, consultants and IoT enthusiasts.

“The IoT market is at a critical turning point for security—with 21 billion connected devices expected to be in the market by 2020, it’s crucial for the industry to secure these devices and the data they generate,” said Randy Vanderhoof, executive director of the Smart Card Alliance. “This new content portal will help to keep stakeholders in the know by featuring security content from all over the web and providing perspectives from industry experts who are delivering secure IoT solutions. The portal will also be a go-to source for Smart Card Alliance IoT resources and current, relevant and insightful commentary on securing the IoT.”