Next Episode: IoTA 22 - Ag Tech MP3

Show Notes:

Information Week's Charles Babcock reports that Venture Capitalists are searching for the next big thing in IoT, specifically around cloud-based industrial IoT platforms. 4 such firms have had success: C3 IoT,, Blue Pillar, and Carriots. We previously reported on C3 which is involved in the utilities space, analyzing utility grids. C3 has already earned $38 million in last quarter alone. is a Chicago based firm with other 300 engineers, designers and data scientists and have had early success with Caterpillar and is examining the construction space currently. Blue Pillar is an Indianapolis company which examines large facility energy usage (microgrid as compared to C3's macro grid). Carriots is a Madrid company primarily focused on a development platform that allows developers an easier platform to develop IoT devices.
Dan Jones of Light Reading reports that while AT&T seems to be focused on automobiles in IoT, that Verizon is turning its attention to agriculture. This "Ag Tech" is focused around moisture sensors distributed in drought stricken areas such as california and texas, allowing farmers to target exactly where water is most needed when it is scarce. It's more efficient and reduces waste.
Early users of SAP IoT platforms report real business benefits reports Chirs Maxcer in TechTarget. "There are three kinds of use cases that we're typically seeing," said Nayaki Nayyar, general manager and global head of IoT and innovation go-to-market at SAP. "One is what we call industrial customers -- customers with heavy manufacturing looking to optimize operations cost, maintenance cost and turnaround time.

"The other category is the aftermarket, which is after a customer has bought a product, and it could be consumer through a retailer or even B2B. These customers are tracking how their customers are using their products, then getting that live feedback to improve design, marketing and create better engagement with customers," Nayyar explained.

"The third is simple but very prevalent. Our customers with large moving assets -- fleets, cars, trucks -- they just want to track and trace where they are at any given time in the world and better maintain those assets," she said.
It must be awards season as we have yet another award winner. ORBCOMM wins 2 1016 IoT Evolution Product of the Year Awards. Their PT 7000 which monitors position, as well as fuel consumption and engine hours on fleet vehicles and their ORBCOMMconnect portal which manages those connected devices both won.
David Linthicum in InfoWorld says that "Healthkits but better: Get started with IoT". Seeedstudio has created the Intel Edison and Grove IoT Starter kits, both using AWS for the data and processing engine. The Intel Edison module provides an open source hardware and software development environment that supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 connectivity. The Intel IoT starter kit includes an Arduino processor along with 11 Grove sensors and actuators for you to detect the indoor environment, as well as create smart-home applications by mixing and matching hardware components.

There are other AWS-powered IoT kits, including the Dragonboard 410c for Qualcomm processors and the Globalscale MW302 for Marvell processors.
The Isle of man is testing Blockchain to increase IoT security reports Patrick Nelson in Network World. Why blockchain? Blockchain, for those who need to get their heads around this revolutionary authentication and transactional system, is a securely managed database—or ledger—that’s distributed by a network.

The network nodes all maintain a copy of the encrypted database, and new records can be added only through complicated hash validation functions. The records are added in blocks that link securely to the previously added block—hence the name.

Each node-held database contains the entire transactional history, so central databases become redundant. The record is supposedly secure in part because no one person can manipulate it—the database is replicated on all the nodes and can’t be changed on all of them without the right cryptographic key.

Perhaps the most important element is that all of the transactions or events are indelibly recorded, making fraud hard to perpetrate—data anomalies are transparent.