Pippa has been playing folk music on a variety of stringed instruments since the age of 12. Although she has lived for many years in Columbia, Missouri (USA) she was born in England and grew up in Canada and Australia.

Nowadays Pippa's main instrument is the fiddle which she first picked up aged 35, a relative latecomer. She writes old-time Celtic-style tunes and composes songs with friend Steve O’Dell. The tunes come at a prolific rate, indeed there are sufficient numbers to warrant an annual tunebook compilation called Compendium A-Z. Go to https://pippaletsky.com/tunebooks/ to order your copy.

Pippa is also a broadcaster with KOPN radio a community station run mainly by volunteers and on the airwaves since 1973. It has a worthy ethos to deliver independent news, diverse talk and music of the world. Pippa hosts 'Music of the World' (music from outside the borders of the USA) twice a month and 'World Woman' (women's music from outside the borders of the USA) every other Sunday.
