People, we're super psyched that the investing with Indexheads podcast is now finally live. This has been some time in the making. The idea with this podcast is to decode the most important market events with some of the smartest people in the Indian markets. In this first episode, I speak to Pravin Palande, Editor - Markets and Finance ET Prime. We talk about: 

What's happening in the markets. Reminiscing about what went on during 2008
Should you pause your SIPs or continue them? The behavioral advantage of SIPs
Pravin thoughts on whether the retail investors have matured
Have active managers delivered on their promise of downside protection? Thoughts on index funds being a bubble, we had written an Indexheads piece as well.
Decoding the Franklin debt funds fiasco. Check out Pravin's (@lonelycrowd on twitter) recent ET Prime piece on the topic
Thoughts Warren Buffett's decision to sell airline stocks and retail investors penchant to blindly follow superstar investors

Since we were doing this for the first time, the quality of the audio is a little bad in places and we are sincerely sorry about this. As we do this, we'll get a hang of this and we'll iron out the bugs. Also, thoughts, suggestions, brickbats, ideas, we'd love to hear them all, I am @anishteli on Twitter and you can also scream at @passivefool for not fixing the audio. 

You can also check out Indexheads - a fortnightly newsletter letter on indexing and passive investing in India. 

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