What is a short-term loan, and why would a borrower choose it over a traditional loan? Let’s welcome Will Coleman of UrbanGate Capital to the show this week to shed light on some of our questions about hard money lending.

Will Coleman is a Co-Founder and the CEO of UrbanGate Capital, a real estate hard money and private capital lending company. Through his expertise in operations and investor relations, Will helps other investors earn high-yield returns on short-term hard money loans in Texas and Tennessee. Since they started two years ago, Will and his team have loaned out over $25 million.

How do short-term loans work? And how does UrbanGate gain a profit? Whether you’re an aspiring lender or house flipper—or simply on the lookout for hard cash—you probably have a lot of questions about short-term loans. Luckily, Will is here to walk us through the short-term loan process, including how they find borrowers and keep an edge against other lenders.

1. Investors have varying risk appetites regarding short-money loans, depending on their space.
2. As long as the cost of capital is going up, values are going down (correction effect).
3. People usually don’t want to flip houses when valuations are going down.
4. Speed is sometimes hard money’s advantage against traditional, lower-interest loans.


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