Well that is a wrap for 2016! You blink and its the end of the year! What an absolute CRACKIN year it has been. I know I have certainly learned a lot about my business, my relationships, my podcast and how to grow as an entrepreneur. I am super pumped for what 2017 has in store. I have some massive goals for next year and I hope you can join me for the journey.

In this episode I summaries 2016, I celebrate some of the successes but I also explain the lessons that I have learned, and share some of my top takeaway tips to help you all become better entrepeueners. I also dive deep into the topic of "why do I podcast" and explain how it has sky rocketed my investing career and my personal brand.

This episode will be the last for 2016 as I am taking a well deserved break for two weeks. I am heading back to Aussie for some beach, sand, and surf!

The next two weeks will be replays of other podcasts where I have been the guest on the hot seat through out 2016.

Look out for CRACKIN new episodes in 2017. I have some incredible guests lined up.

I wish you all a safe and happy holidays. Here is to a successful 2017!

Remember to take massive action, set huge goals, and GET IT DONE!

Make it happen in 2017!

Happy Investing!