Today's episode is a captivating journey into the world of Brian Tibbs, a multifaceted investor, entrepreneur, and author who has carved a unique path to success. Join us as we delve into Brian's remarkable transition from the world of real estate to embracing a life of missionary work, an inspiring tale of transformation and dedication.

Discover the secrets behind Brian and his wife's ability to amass wealth despite financial challenges, shedding light on the art of making every dollar count. Brian shares invaluable insights into the essence of investment - understanding the 'why' behind your financial decisions, a cornerstone principle that has guided him through his diverse ventures.

But that's not all. Brian demystifies the concept of wealth creation, asserting that financial prosperity is within reach for anyone in the U.S. willing to adopt a savvy approach to money management. He also tackles the often-paralyzing fear of failure, advocating for a bold shift from perpetual learning to decisive action, a crucial step towards realizing your dreams.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to check out Brian’s book that released on February 27th, The Hacker Method. It’s only $0.99 on Kindle, so check it out and share it if it impacts you. Brian is also creating a community called The Unexpected Investor Community, all about mentorship, apprenticeship, and education to help you stay accountable and grow your investments. 

You can also find Brian on socials @unexpectedinvestor on all platforms!


And if you and your partner are interested in the upcoming couples mastermind trip to Cabo San Lucas, text the word ‘trip’ to 480-531-7519 or DM me ‘trip’ on Instagram.


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