Today I am talking with Diana Laverdure-Dunetz. Diana holds a Master’s in Animal Science and is an award-winning dog health writer, vegan canine nutritionist and passionate animal activist. She went vegetarian in 2009 and vegan in 2017. Diana’s mission is to end animal abuse and exploitation in all forms and to increase legal punishments for anyone perpetrating animal cruelty. Diana is the founder of two vegan movements: The website She Goes Vegan ( empowers women to create a compassionate vegan world that respects all animals, the environment and future generations. Plant-Powered Dog ( educates dog guardians on the health and ethical benefits of feeding nutritious plant-based diets to our canine companions. In 2019, Diana created the Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit (, which featured 17 global leaders in the fields of plant-based veterinary nutrition, science and animal activism to discuss the facts about plant-based vs. meat-based diets for dogs. Diana and her vegan husband, Rodney, live in South Florida and are involved with many animal rights organizations.

This series features conversations I conducted with individuals who have dedicated their work and lives to Vegan research, businesses, art, and society. This podcast series is hosted by Patricia Kathleen and Wilde Agency Media.



*Please note this is an automated transcription, please excuse any errors or typos

[00:00:00] In this episode, I had the opportunity to speak with founder, author and Vegan activist Diana Laverdure-Dunetz. Key points addressed were Diana's Web site and its information and services titled She Goes Vegan. Dot com is designed to empower, educate and motivate women from all walks of life to create Vegan lives. We also discussed her recent interactive journaling book titled F Asterix C.K.. Yeah, I'm going Vegan slated to be a game changer when considering implementing veganism into one's life. You can find that on Stay tuned for my riveting interview with Diana. 


[00:00:43] My name is Patricia Kathleen. And this series features interviews and conversations I conduct with experts from food and fashion to tech and agriculture, from medicine and science to health and humanitarian arenas. Dialog captured here is part of our ongoing effort to host transparent and honest rhetoric. For those of you who, like myself, find great value in hearing the expertize and opinions of individuals who have dedicated their work and lives to their ideals. If you're enjoying these podcasts, be sure to check out our subsequent series that dove deep into specific areas such as founders and entrepreneurs. Fasting and roundtable topics they can be found on our Web site. Patricia Kathleen dot com, where you can also join our newsletter. You can also subscribe to all of our series on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Pod Bean and YouTube. Thanks for listening. Now let's start the conversation. 


[00:01:40] Hi, everyone, and welcome back. I'm your host, Patricia. And today I'm sitting down with Diana, Leverdure-Dunetz. 


[00:01:46] She's a founder, author and Vegan activist. You can find out more on her Web site. She goes Vegan dot com. Welcome, Diana. 


[00:01:55] Thank you so much for having me. I'm really, really honored to be here. 


[00:01:58] Absolutely. I'm very excited to get into your story and talk about everything that you're doing, as well as the new book you've put out, the new journal, Interactive Journal for everyone listening. 


[00:02:08] I'll read a quick bio on Diana to give you kind of a foundation, but before that, a quick roadmap of today's podcast and where we'll be headed so you can follow along and have a forecast. We'll first look at Diana's academic and professional history, as well as her personal Vegan story and how that kind of plays into her current endeavors. Then we'll look at two unpacking. She goes Vegan, the Web site, the future classes and services it offers and the current information that she's providing her audience. We'll also look at logistics when w where, why, how are their co-founders? Did she take funding? And we'll get into the ethos behind it. The impetus for launching that Web site. And we'll also look at her interactive journal just recently published on Amazon F Asterisk. C.K.. Yeah, I'm going Vegan. We're gonna get in to a first and foremost the name behind that. There's a reason behind that wonderful title. And then we're gonna talk about what that journal offers its audience and its users. We'll wrap everything up with goals and advice that Diana has for those of you who are looking to follow her or get involved or perhaps emulate some of her career success. As promised, a quick bio on Diana. DianaLaverdure-Dunetz holds a masters in animal science and is an award winning dog health writer, Vegan canine nutritionist and passionate animal activists. She went vegetarian in 2009 and Vegan in 2017. Diana's mission is to end animal abuse and exploitation in all forms and to increase legal punishments for anyone perpetuating animal cruelty. Diana is the founder of two Vegan movements, the site. She goes Vegan w w w dot. She goes Vegan dot com empowers women to create a compassionate Vegan world that respects all animals, the environment and future generations. Plant power dog w w w dot plant power dog dot com educates dog guardians on the health and ethical benefits of feeding, nutrition, nutritious plant based diets to our canine companions. In 2019, Diana created the plant parad dog food summit w w w dot plant Power Dog Food Summit icon, which featured 17 global leaders in the fields of plant based vegetable, veterinary nutrition science and animal activism. To discuss the fact about plant based versus meat based diets for dogs. Diane and her Vegan husband, Rodney, live in South Florida and are involved with many animal rights organizations. So, Diana, I think that's fascinating. And you and I talked off the record. I was using Vegan dog food for the past 10 years, and I'm really excited to see more companies join that revolution and can kind of unpack that. But I want to first start off with, if you could give us a brief summary of not all of it, but the pieces that you feel pertained to where you are now, of your academic background and early professional life and your Vegan story as it's kind of intertwined throughout all of that that brought you to creating. She goes Vegan. 


[00:05:05] Sure. And I think, like all of us, it's been a journey. And I actually started out in life and professional life as a writer. So that's what I did since I was a child. I wrote stories and and really, as a kid, didn't think I'm going to grow up to be a canine nutritionist or I'm going to grow up and start any Vegan movement. That certainly wasn't on my mind. I hear so many Vegan stories where actually they say when they were a child, they couldn't look at meat. I wish I had been that enlightened, does a child, but I was not. You know, I grew up in a family where my mom served meat and made need and animal products. My grandfather was a kosher butcher. So there you go. And that was just a fact of life. So what happened was I adopted in 2002, the dog that changed my life. His name was Chase, and he was with me for 16 and a half years. And what happened was having adopted a rescue dog. I learned, of course, so much. I got immersed in actually the shelter where I adopted him from and immersed in the community of an abused cats and dogs, which many people are into that. But what happened with me was I couldn't stop there. You know, we often think of abused cats, dogs, companion animals. And we shudder at the thought, of course, but we don't think about the torture and abuse and brutality and the hell that all of these other species endure every single day. So adopting chase expanded my mind to the abuse going on in all species. By that time, I will make a very long story short also due to health issues that Chase had. I was feeding him a fresh food diet in order to create a healthier individual. It was not Vegan and that led me into the world of canine nutrition and hence the Masters, because I was now working with veterinarians and serious scientists and I wanted to show that I was also serious and academically educated in the field. But what happened was, even as a vegetarian for many, many years, I was continuing to create meat based diets for dogs because, quite frankly, I bought into the bullshit and the hype that dogs need to eat their wolves and they need to eat meat to thrive, that you're a little Pekinese or Pomeranian or whomever is really a wolf inside and even even your German shepherd generic, which is what Chase was, you know, that they're that that they're really wolves. And when I decided I could no longer myself harm any animal in any way and said, that's it, you know, told my husband, we're not going to be vegetarian, we're gonna go vegan. He pointed out the hypocrisy of what I was doing every day and I could no longer do this and create these meat based diets for dogs. It was killing me inside. And I decided, well, maybe I'll just leave the business and my husband said, don't leave the business. Do some research and see, you know, look into this. And I did. And it turned out, thankfully, that actually plant based diets for dogs, not only can they thrive, but, you know, can they live on them, but they can thrive on them. They're super healthy. Many veterinarians believe that it's these high meat diets and the bio accumulation of toxins in animals and tissue that are causing all the cancer that we're seeing and all the chronic illnesses. Yeah. So that's what led me to create a movement called Plant Power Dog and to create the plant powered dog food summit. And now I'm just so grateful to be able to combine the dog nutrition knowledge and and help dogs without harming any other animals. So VegFest been amazing. And then I decided, well, I don't want to stop with the dog food world. You know, not everyone has a dog. What. What more can I do? So that came to she goes Vegan and why she goes vegan and not everyone goes. Yeah. Because I truly believe that women have an innate empathy. There is unfortunately my cheese mo surrounding meat eating. And you know, that's that's been more qualified people than I have studied and written about that. But women really I feel are innately. Veganism and sexuality and how women have been treated in a sexual manner. You know, as body parts, it's it's it's a really parallel type of issue. So I feel that women can really relate to what animals go through. And so I feel that we also have about seventy five, seventy seven percent of the purchasing power in the country and in the world. So, you know, we have the power, we have the empathy and we can make the difference. So that's my goal was she goes Vegan is to really empower all women to go Vegan and to create just a kind of world for everybody. And I love that. 


[00:11:04] And I love that you have like an audience. You know, I think that people get nervous about excluding, especially when you're trying to educate. However, it's not saying men can't get on your Web site, but that link is really fascinating. 


[00:11:17] And I know a lot of feminist theorists have made that comparison and analogy. Use the metaphor of, you know, a lot of the abuse that's happened towards women and women identified or populations considered other, you know, this comparison to making them animal like so that we can disassociate and actually abuse them. And therefore, even, you know, acknowledging that that's how we disassociate with animals, you can treat them less than humane. 


[00:11:44] And I think it's a fascinating that you've made that connection. And that's one of the impetuses for you, targeting it towards women. Women identified people. I'm wondering, when you jump on your site, you have your story there. You have articles you've presented. I know that, you know, you have classes that are there and you're kind of coming forth because this is all a very current endeavor. And I also know that you work one on one still with clients that have ailing dogs who need your personal expertize and things like that. I'm wondering, I like the articles you chose and I wonder how you curate them because you have a very specific tonality with your Vegan mission and as an animal activist and things like that. And so I'm wondering, is there any way that you choose to pepper? It must you must be aware that it brands you, you know, to to put other people's information on your site. And so I'm curious as to how you go about curating it or if it's just like a pleasure of your own and you know of your moment to, like, go through and post things for your audience. 


[00:12:48] Sure. Well, I write everything myself. I always have. I don't accept. Well, an unplanned powered dog. I have. I have. Except a couple of guest post from veterinarians and true experts in the field. But in general, I everything is written by myself. And as far as the content, it's very purposefully directed towards the. And I hate to use this word because none of us are average, but towards the everyday woman who wants to make a difference and who is facing her own challenges in life, whether she is a caretaker for her parents or whether she's raising children and whether she has a partner, who it's it's causing a rift in the relationship because the partner doesn't want to be Vegan. So my niche, if you will, are everyday issues that women aspiring to what we know to veganism go through. I think there are a lot of people who do great things, bringing together Vegan business people and Vegan business women, and that is completely wonderful. I want to address the everyday needs of the person of the woman who wants to go Vegan and create a kind of world. Yeah. Everything I write is is is really geared for her. 


[00:14:12] That's it, and it's a wonderful guide. 


[00:14:13] I think that people overlook this kind of need for people addressing all angles of the life, you know, because Vegan is not everyone freaked? Well, the majority of people I speak to who don't have a lot of information about veganism view it as a diet. And there's people who are involved with it, know that it very quickly becomes a lifestyle, a philosophy. It's it's a spirituality. It becomes a lot of different things quite quickly for most people who practice it, regardless of one's entry point, you know, regardless of your gateway drug, as I always say, you can come in there having just suffered a heart attack or having a spiritual awakening. But usually you'll start looking into the benefits of the health or the spirituality or the welfare of the environment and the beauty and humanity of the animals and all of those things within time. And so it's it's it's good to I think it's fascinating because your site is one of the first ones that I've seen where it's approaching veganism from that aspect. You know, you are coming at it from these social interpersonal relationships, like all of those things would matter if it wasn't just a diet, if it was really a way of living, you know, and it a reality. 


[00:15:19] So I'm hoping that you say that. That's exactly right. And that's sort of my credo, is that I put a plant based is a diet. Vegan is a lifestyle. 


[00:15:32] Yeah. OK. And that brings me to I'm really glad you just said that, because it brings me to my point. I always I wait for people to drop it. 


[00:15:42] I always say, you know, the podcast is called Investigating Vegan Life. And so I'm not afraid of the V word, but a lot of people I interview are. And there's a marketing reason behind that. There's a lot of other reasons. But so for you, I always ask people to define those to the second they drop in the word plant based or Vegan to differentiate. So plant based is a diet and Vegan is a lifestyle for you. 


[00:16:05] Correct. And as a matter of fact, I have an article just dedicated to that. What's the difference between plant based and Vegan? And why does it matter? And it does matter because so many times someone will say to me, Oh, I was vegan for ten years, and then I decided to, you know, not to be one day. You were plant based for 10 years, OK? Because that isn't Vegan is based on plant based is based on what is in it for me. And I'm not saying this in a derogatory manner, but you kind of put the nail, the nail hit the nail on the head when you said if if you're entering it from the health standpoint, that type of thing is really generally when someone becomes plant based. They've had a health crisis. Vegan is not focused on the ME. It's focused on the individual outside of us that is being harmed. Okay, so plant based, what is really this diet doing for me? What is this lifestyle doing to create peace for other individuals? So for me, when you when you're looking at what goes on in factory farms and what goes on with animal testing and what goes on with or you don't one day decide that doesn't work for you. Right. Because you have it's a core value. Right. If that's your quote, you don't. At least for me, you don't change your core values. You know, in a snap. But you might I heard I was once you don't you ever go down the Internet rabbit hole. Right? I got on a Gwyneth Paltrow Web site. And I don't I've never done that before. But something that I was researching led me there. And there was a conversation, much like you and I are having, that a woman was having with when, if and when it was disgusting how much she loves to cook. And it was all going quite well. And then I heard this woman say something that if my head could have exploded, it would have. The woman said to Gwyneth Paltrow, I was vegan for ten years and then I smelled you cooking sausage, pork, sausage, and it just smells so good. I had to have that sausage and you made me not vegan. And that just blew my mind. Yeah. That woman is not was not Vegan. That woman, if she were Vegan would have been disgusted by the sausage. She would have seen the sentient, intelligent, beautiful, loving animal. Not not a sizzling pork sausage. Right. 


[00:18:59] Yeah. And it sounds like the motivation for what had the way she was eating may have already been obtained. 


[00:19:07] You know, I know that a lot of people look into veganism for when you're not dying of a cardiac arrest, it's to lose weight or other things like that. I've had I've spoken to several people, male and female, that say, you know, idea I did that to lose some weight. Bill Clinton was Vegan for a bit. So, you know, I went for it and. And they lost the weight and they went back. And I it's it's a very similar thing. I usually try to remind them, like, well, I think what you did was engaged in a diet that worked for you, that eliminated animal products. But Vegan, I think you're right about that. That term does carry heavier. 


[00:19:42] And I think that's why some people stray away from it. I think that, you know this. If you have a product you're peddling, you know, you kind of want to include everybody. And now there are tons of products that there's a lot of anger in the communities, plant based Vegan and everything else, and even organic communities, because marketing is, you know, Mad Men are no stranger to adaptation. And everything was fortified in the 80s and now everything is plant based. So you can have something that has egg and, you know, gelatin in it, have this plant based like little logo on the front. And so it's clear it's I think it's good to delineate it from people who are looking for the safety label of Vegan. 


[00:20:21] That's right. And, you know, I want to be cautious in that. I am not. I'm grateful for everybody who eat plant based, because if you do eat plant based, then you're saving animals regardless of what your motivation is. So if everybody a plant based. That would be amazing. But I just think it's really important to understand the difference between a diet and a lifestyle. Absolutely. 


[00:20:50] What I'm looking at that I kind of want to unpack the interactive guided journal just published on Amazon. And it's f Asterix C.K.. 


[00:20:59] Yeah, I'm going Vegan exclamation point. And prior to us starting to record this, you and I got into it, you know, from one writer to another. I said, how are we going to go about this? Do you want to say the F word? And you had said it just came out. I haven't really thought about it. You know, auditorily, the spoken word was a little bit different than that written. And then we got into very, very quickly we got into the ethos of why you chose that title. So. Can you kind of enumerate on that now for us? 


[00:21:28] Yeah, and it's it ties in so well to what we're just talking about, I don't think. And I'm just going to say it. I don't think you'd say, fuck. Yeah. Go and plant based. OK. It's true. It does not have the same cachet that they have with say shit. 


[00:21:45] So it's like, yeah, I'm not just I'm not I'm not just going be in, you know, it's ongoing. Vegan fuck. Yeah. I'm go and Vegan. Yeah. You know, because it means something to me. And in the values behind it means something to me in in the concept that all animals have the right to live in peace means something to me. So it's like yeah, it's meant to purposefully just kind of really grab you. And the rationale behind it was there are tons of amazing cookbooks out there. I am not a recipe developer year. I own most of them. And, you know, tons of great books to tell you why you should be Vegan and all of that sort of thing. But what I wanted this to do was. To capture the person on an emotional level and kind of hold their hand as they explore their own their own motives and get to know them in their own self discovery journey, because I think that most of us who are Vegan will say it's a journey of self discovery. 


[00:22:58] And so in Ewing, ever changing, you know, I don't there is no Everest. I haven't summited yet. And I'm going on 10 years. And it's just, you know, and that's the kind of the beauty of it. 


[00:23:09] You know, our bodies don't stop changing. Like, why would you know your faith and your belief system and your analysis? I do want to touch on some of the aspects of the book that I scrubbed from online. The Journal you list off these things and you just said that it's kind of this accompaniment. And I'm glad that I was able to really dove in because I when someone talks about an interactive journal, I expect them to deliver. 


[00:23:34] And I think that that's what your analysis frequently does, even the way you come at your writing. You know, you come at this kind of whole person effect from your Web site and the way that you write things like you just mentioned, writing for the social relationships and how those can be strained by veganism. But in fuck you. I'm going vegan. You mentioned that it gets you. It's meant to get people clear, set goals get motivated. It's simple steps, easy plans. You recording options like being able to record and note things, overlook your and oversee your feelings, track your records and emotions and review your progress. And it feels like it's very stepped out as to because I think a lot of people like to keep it tight and tidy like these three steps. But that's not how we are as human beings. We have all these different facets, you know, and so having this kind of this litany of what it's going to produce if you're in you know, if you're doing this interactive journal, I think is is really empowering. And it's what someone needs because it is this all encompassing lifestyle, you know, and you're gonna have a lot of different areas that are clocking different successes and happiness barometers in the beginning than others. What would you say is, was the main impetus? You know, you have this. I will say as a side note from speaking with over the past two months, I've spoken to about 50 different vegans from all different walks of life, from scientists to mothers raising children, you know, and back again. And I will say the one thing is that when people talk about becoming Vegan, it's very much so in the exact same moment of you describing your title. 


[00:25:14] It's never like, well, and then after, you know, 15 years of gentle study, I slowly decided that I'd be Vegan. 


[00:25:20] It's this moment where they're like, I'm Vegan. This is it. You know, and so the fuck. Yeah, I'm going vegan is really appropriate to that end. But I'm wondering what inspired you to actually capture that and then help write an interactive journal? Was it your own study or was it to help someone else out? 


[00:25:38] It was based on my own experience because so something that's recently over the last few years, more so, I discovered a practice called Kysen. And what Kysen is is is kind of means continuous improvement in Japanese. And it's based on the ancient philosophy and ancient philosophy and. I think you can make that ready decision, like, yeah, I'm going Vegan. But a lot of times what comes next can be can seem very intimidating. OK, what do I do now? How do I step it out? How do I really do this? Maybe it isn't practical for me to just get rid of everything in one fell swoop. You know, on a practical level, it can be different. So I took the concept of Kysen, which is continuous improvement, and stepped it out over three months to guide people week by week, month, month one, month to month three and each week within that month. And how what tiny step Kaizen is all about taking small steps to reach large goals. So it might work for somebody to say overnight, I'm going Vegan into just do that. But for many people, smaller steps make more sense. So it's based on that philosophy of the accumulation of smaller, non-threatening steps to eventually reach a very large goal. And in the interim of that, you get to explore how you feel about it. So I came up with guided prompts that I felt would resonate based on my experience, with my own journey with others, other vegans. So it's really kind of I call it like having your best friend by your side to hold your hand while while you're doing this. But your best friend also happens to be like a Vegan expert. 


[00:27:46] Yeah, absolutely. I like the guided prompts. I think they're necessary, you know, to get anyone going. And I think that that Japanese philosophy is winning the award for this year for me. I've got a lot of people bring up different key aspects, that they have an icky guy and different things that they've kind of dropped into and thought this is life changing. And I was like, all right, we all need to take a trip to Tokyo and start reading again. 


[00:28:14] But I am. I love that. 


[00:28:16] I haven't ever heard of them, Kysen. And I'm going to look it up and look more into it. And it's true. We can't hear certain truths enough. You know, of course, every mountain has begun with a step, every skyscrapers, the first stone. But we just don't put that in place enough. And it's also very, very difficult without prompts that you're offering to know how and where to begin. Even as an adult, as it is a grown woman running, you know, a very full load. I, I still find it difficult nature and figuring out the first step of a new endeavor. I'm wondering looking forward to the future. You've got you know, you've got a lot of balls in the air and there's a lot of pivot's and things like that that you could do. And before I ask you about your goals for each of your endeavor, I'm kind of wondering everyone I've spoken to Vegan a not over the past six months for podcasting and documentary film work, has a conversation that they've had well, since the pandemic. Let's go back to January. This changed their relationship with their business and with their the way that they are viewing their diet and food and environment and sustainability. And you don't have to be Vegan. You just have to be alive and well right now in the world to have had these conversations with yourself. And I'm wondering, because you you regularly have these conversations. It's your line of work and your vegan lifestyle. Can you speak to how the COPD 19 pandemic has altered or changed or reinstated some of your core truths or axiomatic beliefs? 


[00:29:53] Yeah, I would say it's reinforced and reinstated them, as you're saying, and it's quite interesting because there is a wonderful research organization out there called Analytics and they are dedicated to helping those of us who are Vegan with proper research in which to which to use to influence others. And they came out with a wonderful study. And I actually wrote an article that really just took all the aspects of their study on Koban 19 and what people understood about this and where it originated from. And I believe it was something like 16 percent, maybe a little bit more of people even understood how Koven 19 originated. And then it came from animals and then it came from having lively animals and dead animals in close proximity and from these wet markets. So whereas vegans are immersed in this knowledge on a day to day basis. You know, we've seen these types of things before. We've seen mad cow disease. We've seen these things, the jet. We have to understand that the general population isn't necessarily immersed in this. So I'm hoping that there is a silver lining to this and that that silver lining will be a greater awareness that when we when we intrude upon nature, we are not just harming nature. We truly are harming ourselves. We can't we can't do it and not have it come back and bite us in the ass. It's just wrong. So even if there are those among us who haven't yet reached a point of empathy for animals and for other species, if they have empathy for their for the human race or for their own families or their own selves. This should be proof that we have to respect all living beings. 


[00:32:01] Yeah. And I think you said it best when you said, you know, for things not to turn around and come bite us in the ass. 


[00:32:07] And, you know, in early childhood, one of the first markers is when you're raising children or even in child psychology is called object permanence. 


[00:32:16] And it's the understanding that when something disappears, it's not truly just dropped off the face of the earth. And once a child realizes that their entire cognitive psyche kind of shifts in their personality changes and it's the same thing, the idea that there's this free lunch, that you could be hurting an animal, an environment in the world and not have it somehow come back to affect you and your own kin, one day is virtually impossible. And we've all known it since we were about two and discovered object permanence. You know, simply something not seen doesn't mean it won't come back to affect you again or doesn't exist. And so I think that is really, really great observation. I'm wondering, when you look at you just came out with your book and it's like you being in labor and my asking you when you're having your next child, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Do you see more books in your future as far as did you receive enough gratification out of it, or will you just really focus on this one for the next couple of years and then look at it? 


[00:33:14] So I appreciate your calling this a book. I think of it more as a book written by the person who has it more than myself. In the past, I wrote two books that took years to write each one. Mostly, though, I guess the most popular one was called Canine Neutra Genomics. And Nutro Genomics is the science of how nutrition affects our genome. Back then, I was not Vegan and I would write a very different view of that now, but nevertheless, it was. It didn't take quite a long time and was definitely about a three year birthing process. I think the beauty of this journal is that in it it really while it's my brain child and I'm very close to it, I'm giving it over more readily to other people to really make it their own. So I actually do have a kind of accompaniment to it in the works right now that I you know, it's kind of like, oh, I can now do this with this and guide people in this way and I can do this with this. So it's kind of gotten a lot of the wheels turning as to where can I go with this, because I think you seem to say the guided journal is help you and they really help me and journaling really helps me. So I'm at a point where I'm thinking, what more can I do with this to help people? I would also eventually like to do some some courses, maybe an online course. And again, that would be to help the. Every day, woman is struggling already with other aspects of her life to find balance and to make veganism a part of her life. It might not be able to be the all encompassing. You know, I think about this, you know, all day, every day. But I am Vegan and it's part of my identity and I'm putting that out there to the world. That's the type of woman that I'm hoping might want to grow more and take a course on on how to do this. So absolutely. 


[00:35:24] And I think you're right about that. Will there be so the courses I'm assuming would go through, she goes Vegan. Do you think you'll do any partnership thing or will you ever look into, like, bringing anyone else on? 


[00:35:37] I've talked to a lot of Vegan business owners that get very into the power of partnership being and multiplying the voice or sponsorships and things like that. It kind of depends on how you want to cut it and there's short term partnerships and things of that nature. But have you ever considered doing that or you're just you're just still kind of developing her as she is? 


[00:35:55] Yeah. Right now, I'm still in the development phase with the when I wrote the books on canine nutrition, I did partner with a very well-respected veterinarian. And that makes sense at that time. On the Vegan journey that I'm on now, right now in the development phase, I'm going to see where it takes me as a solo kronur. But I never say no to amazing opportunities and partnerships. So we'll see. It's really like a sort of we'll see how it develops type thing. 


[00:36:30] Yeah, absolutely. Well, I always wrap up beyond while I try to wrap up with everybody who's authored, you know, books and things of that nature. 


[00:36:38] I think that there is a lot of advice that you offer and you go through and some things resonate more with the author themselves and other things. And I'm curious to ask you kind of as my final inquiry today, looking at the fuck. Yeah, I'm going Vegan Interactive Journal. 


[00:36:53] You have this interactive guide, but you offer a lot of information or these very utility based steps that are very realistic, like you said, for implementation of taking technique from philosophy to everyday practice. And I'm wondering if you picked like a top two or three of those pieces that were you considered to be kind of your your take away points? What would they be? 


[00:37:20] Are we talking in the context of going Vegan? Yeah. 


[00:37:23] When did the Journal capturing I mean, you have these ideas of goals and motivation and things like that, like what would be the top three things that you would hope to take away from? You know, using the journal would be at first blush. 


[00:37:36] Yeah, I would hope the top three things would be. You said it really, really well, sort of. It's a combination of utilitarian and self discovery. So I would hope the top three things would be to take the guesswork out of the process, to actually know that on week one. Here's what I'm going to do. And on week 10. I'm now here and here's here's my next step. So really having it be very utilitarian. And then, you know, at the same time, kind of the second point would be that I get to now go on my own journal of self discovery while I'm doing this, which is just so important, because if we do anything without understanding why we're doing it, that's when it won't stick. So the combination of the utilitarian than the self discovery with the guided journal, and then it also enables us another practicality is to actually sort of have a mindfulness food planner where we're not just I as I as I'm talking, I guess I really enjoyed the combination of the practical and the mindful. So the food prep planner and the meal planner, they enable you to lay these things out. But they also ask you questions like, who was I with when I eat this? How did I feel? How did they make me feel? Because maybe you're with somebody. And they said, oh, really? You're going to, you know, have that veggie burger for lunch. You know, how can you eat that or don't you will meet Allard's and we might not think about it or give it much importance in the moment, but it affects us because part of going vegan is what I've experienced and learned from others is how we're perceived when we go to family gatherings, when we're with friends. So those are really the top three things. You know, how do I do this on a utilitarian basis and then how am I processing this emotionally and mindfully? 


[00:39:40] Yeah, absolutely. That's and it's exciting. I think everyone should jump on and check it out. Download even if you're Vegan do it. Buy it. Yes, I am. 


[00:39:49] I am so thankful for your time today, Diana. We are out of time. But I just wanted to say I really appreciate you. I know you're busy. 


[00:39:56] You've got a lot of projects in the works and things that have just launched. And I feel really honored that you took the time to speak with myself and let our audience hear about all of your knowledge and your personal stories within that. Thank you so much. 


[00:40:08] Well, thank you, Patricia. I am so grateful you've had me on and it's been a real pleasure. Thank you. 


[00:40:14] Definitely. And for everyone listening, we have been speaking with Diana levered to Doenitz you. She's a founder and author. You can find her more about her. On she goes. Vegan dot com. And thank you for giving us your time today. And still, we speak again next time. 


[00:40:31] Remember to eat clean and responsibly, stay in love with the world and always bet on yourself.