Saskatoon's Royal University hospital is the primary care facility for expecting mothers throughout the health region. But that esteemed reputation has come under fire.

Within the last year, four women have come forward. They claim they were pressured into getting sterilized at the hospital's maternity ward.

It was a practice used against Indigenous women right up until the 1970s. So it shouldn't be happening in this day and age, right?

Cullen Crozier presents Against Their Will, originally aired Jan. 27, 2017.

Saskatoon's Royal University hospital is the primary care facility for expecting mothers throughout the health region. But that esteemed reputation has come under fire.

Within the last year, four women have come forward. They claim they were pressured into getting sterilized at the hospital's maternity ward.

It was a practice used against Indigenous women right up until the 1970s. So it shouldn't be happening in this day and age, right?

Cullen Crozier presents Against Their Will, originally aired Jan. 27, 2017.