On this episode of the InvestFourMore Real Estate Podcast (number 100!) I go over how to invest in real estate, and do it quickly. There is no magic formula or overnight success kit for real estate, but there are many things you can do quicken the process. A lot of people get overwhelmed with what kind of investing to do, how much money they need, how much knowledge is required, and they give up. One of the tricks to becoming successful in anything is to just start. Start taking action even if it means completing simple tasks that may not seem important. Focus is also extremely important. Trying to start 10 different things at once never works well. On this show I talk about the best way to figure out what type of investing to start with, how to focus, how to take action and how to make everything happen faster.

Since this is my 100th episode I am offering a bonus. The first ten people that rate and leave a review for the podcast on iTunes will get my new Jump Start Investing program for free. Just take a screen shot of your review and rating and email it to me: [email protected].