I have always bought single family rentals, except for one duplex I bought last year. I sold that duplex this year for a nice profit, but single family homes have been very good to me. I am not going to say single family homes are always the best investment, because I think different investments work better for different people in different markets. I stopped buying rentals in Colorado because our prices have increased so much in the last few years. Many people have asked me if I have thought about investing in multifamily housing, since prices are so high. I have thought about multifamily, but the prices for that segment is extremely high in Colorado as well. I have also thought about commercial real estate investments the last couple of years for personal reasons and investment reasons. I don't like many commercial investments, because the market is so cyclical and commercial properties can be very complicated. However, I do have certain commercial niches I am interested in, and may invest in shortly. On episode number 70 of the InvestFourMore Real Estate Podcast, I talk about my investment choices, why I make them, and what my future plans are.