
Zeb's number: 864-4two1-2three85

Timestamp notes:

3:34 - Original plan for Bricolage was plastic. “climb the smaller mountains first”

4:47 - The various outputs and uses of the bricolage machines

7:14 - Shrinking municipal programs are creating a market for privatized residential recycling

8:49 - The glass recycling problem is really a supply chain problem - how Bricolage is approaching the industry differently

12:11 - Cities are struggling with recycling

12:49 - Current programs are opaque with little visibility into what happens after the waste leaves your home

13:28 - Transparency is important from a community standpoint so people can see what’s being done with their recourses

14:09 - Balancing 2 lines of business is tough but Zeb doesn’t see it being possible any other way

16:03 - Zeb’s vertically integrated model keeps them from being dependent on any individual city

17:12 - The benefit of privatized recycling

19:04 - The sand shortage

20:36 - Why is now the right time to raise capital for Bricolage?

21:22 - The challenge of Bricolage functioning as a manufacturing company

23:25 - What the future looks like for bricolage