2:03 - Julie’s career progression from newspapers to AOL to SC Dept of commerce

5:13 - An overview of the Relentless Challenge grant program and who it supports

6:24 - The three goals of the grant

7:37 - Julie releasing the next round of funding

8:52 - The difference in programmatic grants & infrastructure or company funding

12:15 - Julie’s “Favorite” programs the grant has funded

16:11 -  The value of treating incubators & accelerator as startups themselves

18:17 - How Julie and her program help make the grant application as accessible as possible

21:11 - What applicants should do if they’re stressed about completing the application in time

22:56 - Criteria Julie looks for in organizations that are applying

25:56 - How the same criteria for grants apply to companies seeking investors

26:16 - The importance of the team

28:18 - It’s ok if a project needs to change or pivot - as long as the end goal stays the same

29:27 - Tips for getting your organization grant ready

32:12 - Things Julie learned from AOL that she advises startups and organizations to follow now

36:18 - How everyday folks can get involved and foster innovation