Jordan Goodman is considered America’s Money Answers Man because he is the man to go to for answers on personal finance questions. He has appeared on several TV and radio shows. He believes that there is a tremendous amount of financial illiteracy in the country and wants to help people learn. He has written 14 books including the popular Fast Profit in Hard Times and The Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms.

On this episode, Jordan explains the impact of the 2018 tax reform both in corporate and individual level. He also explains its impact on the stock market and other investment ventures. He gives tips and strategies on what, where, and how to invest in this new economy. He also shares his personal favorites in terms of asset classes and trends that will help you decide on your next investment plans.


Where we are:

Johnny - Nepal

Sam - Denver Colorado





Fast Profits in Hard Times

The Dictionary of Financial and Investment Terms


Time Stamps:

08:33 – The Trump Economy
10:58 – Impact on the corporate level
12:15 – Impact in an individual level
14:06 – Rising interest rates
16:29 – Impact on stock market
18:19 – 3 things that will affect the market
19:33 – Impact of debt
22:24 – Corporate reinvesting in their companies
25:36 – What should have been included in the tax reform
28:02 – Secured Real Estate Funds
31:50 – Oil and Gas Funds
34:40 – Favorite asset classes
37:02 – Favorite trends
39:29 – Biotechnology
40:33 – Mortgage Optimization Strategy


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