Matt Raad from Australia shares his expertise in buying and selling online businesses. He emphasises the importance of mindset in achieving success and financial freedom. Matt discusses the value of lists in online businesses and the significance of building a loyal tribe. He also provides insights on funding online business acquisitions and optimizing conversions for profitability. Overall, the episode covers valuable tips on online business acquisition, mindset development, and the importance of building relationships within one's neighbourhood. Matt's practical advice and real-world examples make this episode a must-listen for aspiring entrepreneurs.


Matt Raad is an experienced entrepreneur who has found success in buying and selling online businesses.

Online businesses that Matt Raad focuses on are advertising sites, affiliate sites, and sites that sell leads to businesses, which require less capital outlay and running expenses compared to e-commerce sites.

Buying online businesses can be done through brokers or private approaches, with seller financing being a common option in the US.

Quick wins after acquiring a website include optimizing conversions, changing monetization strategies, and driving more traffic to the site.

Mindset plays a crucial role in achieving success in any aspect of life, and having an entrepreneurial mindset is key to building wealth and freedom.


 "We've made our wealth through buying and selling bricks and mortar businesses. And then in GFC, back in 2008, we actually had our first child and we decided to stop doing a bricks and mortar business and work from home." 

"That's a really good story because that's exactly when we had the kids and everything. We didn't want to deal with end customers and we don't on our website except through eBusiness Institute what we do here." 

"The main thing is learning how to do good due diligence and learn how websites go together and then learn how you're going to renovate it or run the website."

"To build on what you said, one of my maybe biggest business mistake is not to have an email list. This goes way, way back." 

 "Success at the end of the day in any part of life, whether it's happiness, health, or wealth, it just comes down totally 100% to mindset." 


Matt Raad

Matt is a business and website investor, Angel Investor and leading educator in Digital Marketing, and is recognised as the Australian expert in buying, renovating as well as selling profitable websites and businesses.


Serial entrepreneurs Fredrik, Charlie and Ivan Sandvall love sharing ideas and interviewing world-class entrepreneurs and influences. Invest In You is about investments, entrepreneurs, personal development and doing fun things. They hope to ensure you to take action, helping others and yourself, plus enjoying the journey we call life.


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