Today we talk with Rod Khleif -- real estate and multi-family investor in Sarasota, FL -- about how he is coping during this COVID crisis. Although Rod admits that a lot of business aren't going to make it through this pandemic, he takes the position that "along with serious pain, there will be serious opportunity" and that investors should focus on moving forward and not get caught up in the fear and hype.

Key Discussion Points [01:03] Opening remarks by Eric Odum [04:14] About our guest: Rod Khleif [05:12] Tell us how you're faring in multi-family and what the outlook is for the future [12:12] What's your situation with managing your tenants during this COVID crisis? [24:31] How should investors be positioning themselves for the future? [29:06] Are you worried about not having a COVID vaccine for another 18 months? [34:23] How is this recession different than the last recession? [40:04] Closing remarks by Eric Odum