3 Secrets to Make Your Money Work For You (Without Being a Math Whiz): https://learn.investdiva.com/start

Things to spend your money on? Hmmm. In the past videos, we've talked about managing your money. We've talked about money mistakes and money habits. We've talked about automating your finances, budgeting, and avoiding to pay certain things. And it’s true--it’s important to not blow money on things that don’t add value to our lives. But you don’t get rich by being cheap--you get rich by being smart.

* A L L  S O C I A L    M E D I A*

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Sometimes, the smart thing to do is to spend your money.   

A lot of people say time is money. But that is wrong. Time is infinitely more valuable than money. Let me ask you a question. How many of you guys would want me to write you a $100K check right now? Say yes and put your hands up in the air. Everyone would love that right? Now what if I told you there’s a caveat. I’ll write you that check, but you will no longer live. Now you won’t want that money right? Even if it was a hundred million or five thousand billion, you won’t want that money. And that’s because we infinitely value time more than money. We just forget about it sometimes.

So the short answer to the question, “What you SHOULD invest your money on?” is whatever that can save you your valuable time.    

For example, the time you're spending on browsing the free stuff could be suffocating your future success. You might get some results when searching for things you know you don't know... but what about the things you don't know you don't know! How are you gonna look them up? And the fact is that you’ll get the best results when you actually have skin in the game.

You have no idea how many people I've given my Make Your Money Work For You PowerCourse away for free to, but it just goes over their heads. They don't value it as much, so they don't implement the stuff I teach them. but my students who pay? They're rocking it. Once they invest the money, they have skin in the game, so they value it more and they implement the strategies.

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