This is InTune. A music appreciation podcast. The idea is simple: InTune wants to celebrate new album releases. Each host must choose a new album from within a 30-31 day window to delve deep into, and we will discuss/critique it for the podcast. There are no genre restrictions. Just music that has captured our attention.

The moment we've all been waiting for: Jagan, Andrew and Aidan each share two albums each that they deem 2018's album of the year and discuss why they're important.

Andrew - CARE FOR ME by Saba & Compro by Skee Mask

Aidan - How to Socialise & Make Friends by Camp Cope & Veteran by JPEGMAFIA

Jagan - [++] by LOONA & TA13OO by Denzel Curry

Other discussed topics, with links:

Saba's interview with Rolling Stone

Camp Cope's self-titled album

One of LOONA's members solo singles

Music video for Clout Cobain

JPEGMAFIA's live performances

🎨 by Johnnie DG

🎼 by Seyeon Jung