This is InTune. A music appreciation podcast. The idea is simple: InTune wants to celebrate new album releases. Each host must choose a new album from within a 30-31 day window to delve deep into, and we will discuss/critique it for the podcast. There are no genre restrictions. Just music that has captured our attention.

Andrew is back this week to join Jagan and Aidan! The group discusses year-end lists by popular music publications before diving into their albums of each week:

Andrew - El Mal Querer by Rosalia

Aidan - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic by The Ocean

Jagan - FM! by Vince Staples

Other discussed topics, with links:

Some publications mentioned: Pitchfork, The Rolling Stones, Complex, Slant

Los ángeles by Rosalia

Pelaglal by The Ocean

Big Fish Theory by Vince Staples

Summertime '06 by Vince Staples

B.A.N. - Atlanta: Season 1 Episode 7