Welcome to Episode 5 of Intuitive Queens podcast.

My name is Mara, I am The Intuition Queen and I have created this podcast to inspire and help you take-action to find and live your purpose.


In this episode, I am interviewing Lisa Reck who is the best-selling author of the book BREAKING THROUGH THE STORM and a personal blogger.


Lisa talks about how a few years ago she was doing some research to move forward in her life as she felt a bit stuck, she wasn’t sure what to do, how to move forward.


In the meantime, she was reading the book THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLE, from Jack Canfield and something inside her told her she had to write a book.


She immediately knew what the book was going to be about.


Her brother had been murdered just after having finished college and Lisa was only 11 when that happened.

She tells us how she always had this desire to finish his life, in some way, and this book was going to be her way to do it.


She started writing with the intention to self-publish it but not telling anybody.

She was afraid of what people might have said, thought of her, especially her family.


Little did she know that writing this book became the most powerful healing practise for her, realising that there were still a lot of things she had not healed from that terrible day.


As Lisa says, that one event had a ripple effect in her life as that brought her parents to divorce and her mother to fall into a lifelong depression that is still battling with today and that Lisa has to come to terms with, every day.


As the first draft of the book was ready and with the editor, she attended a week-long seminar with Jack Canfield, called Breakthrough to Success and that changed her perception about the book.


At Breakthrough to Success she realised that her book could help other people that had gone through a tragedy and needed inspiration to breakthrough pain and find a way to move forward.


Lisa broke through her fear of what other people would think of her and she decided to use her experience to empower people.

She then rewrote the book and divided it in 3 parts.


Her story – the reader story and Our story; how can we, human, we as a society help other people to what we have experienced, what we have gone through.


Lisa talks a lot about the power of gratitude and forgiveness and how using them she was able to overcome the pain and transform her life in a way that could serve other people.


She felt relieved and even more inspired when she saw the reaction of the readers and understood the power of her story and her book.


This led her to continue her journey into personal development, which brought Lisa to become a personal blogger.

Every week she writes a blog to help people with mindset, clarity, setting goals and manifestation.


As people continue to inspire her, she is now working on co-writing a new book called OUR UNFINISHED LIFE, to continue to inspire and help people move on in life and she is looking for stories, your stories!


Lisa and her co-author Dellann, are currently collecting stories.


Have you had a tragedy or a big obstacle in your life that you manage to overcome?

How did you do that?

How did it help you to become the person you are today?

What is your story?

Are you using your story to help others?


Listen to the full episode on itunes and spotify, or watch it on my you tube @theintuiitionqueen, to learn more about Lisa and her journey into healing from a personal tragedy and how she finds strength and inspiration helping others.




Where to find us:





Instagram: @theimperfectlyperfeclylife


To submit your story for the upcoming book OUR UNFINISHED LIFE, write to: [email protected] 






Website: https://www.theintuitionqueen.comDownload my FREE guide “7 ways to use your intuition to feel more confident in your career”



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