May 3 Podcast:
* Infinite Pizza / Small Slice of Big Universe -
* Reading for Rosain -
* Upcoming Psychic Events -
- Journey Into Light / Blog Talk Radio (May 3 @ 10pm EST);
- Goddess BBW / Queens NY Time Warner Cable Channel 34 (May 4 @ 8pm EST);
- FREE Past Life Regression Tele Workshop (May 12);
- FREE Spirit Gathering (May 16);
- A.R.E. Psychic-Holistic Fair (June 19);
- The Enchanted Studio Psychic Fair (June 27);
* Reading for Vickie -
* Movement powers new energy!

Dana Marie wishes moms around the world a very special ~*~ Happy Mother's Day ~*~ !!!

Connect with Dana on Facebook & Twitter @ dana333444 for latest news and updates! Interested in a private reading? Visit or!