Sensing Energies & The Kybalian


We cover the upper energy centers, chakras six and seven, and how they relate to your life and your body. The sixth chakra is about receiving energy with more than your physical senses.


The Intuitive Energy Podcast  

Season 2 Episode 6


The Third Eye 


Our bodies only perceive a small percentage of energy that flows around us; however, other types of energy swirling in our universe can be sensed by our third eye. When you have the skill to sense energy beyond your physical senses, you can see energy in and vibration in matter and all around us.


Animals Sensing Energy


Birds, spiders, bats, and other Earth creatures use electromagnetic energy daily for eating, hunting, and other survival techniques. It’s not a stretch to think that humans also have different ways of perceiving energy.


Acceptance of Energy Sensing via Clairvoyance


Although younger children utilize intuition more instinctively, our society dismisses this sensibility, leading people to doubt themselves and their abilities as they get older. Traditionally, intuition has been focused and presented to us as a skill to develop via the “Claires.” For example, a clairvoyant can see images, sensing them as if they were on a TV or as a memory.


Clairaudience and clairsentience are two other forms of intuition. Besides, some people can use taste, touch and smell, as our olfactory sense is one of the most robust connections to memory.


Glands Associated with Energy Sensing


Pineal and hypothalamus glands in the upper chakras are well-known in history as sensory glands. The Pineal gland has traditionally been symbolized through multiple cultures by a pinecone. 


The Kybalian and The Three Initiates 

The Seven Hermetic Principles


The Seven Hermetic Principles upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows: 


The Principle of Mentalism.  The Principle of Correspondence.  The Principle of Vibration.  The Principle of Polarity.  The Principle of Rhythm.  The Principle of Cause and Effect.  The Principle of Gender.




Learn how to clear out your own chakras in real-time during a session with me! My clients have found this to be a beneficial practice for the spleen, throat, or liver area. This can help balance your empathic receivers, self-expression, and the effects that family and upbringing can have on our systems.


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