Everyone has their own take on what is true and what isn't. I can't say for another what may resonate or be absolute but I can share what I have learned and heard from many people over the last twenty years in what I consider to be the myths of spiritual teaching and self-help world.

These are five myths to start. Would you agree? 

First myth- Unconditional Love is a real thing.  Second myth- Spirit will do it for me. I just have to hand it over. (Please don't do this.) Third myth- Curses...are they real?  Fourth myth- Karma. The one that gets blamed for everything.  Fifth myth (which rhymes)- Just think positive. Don't you even allow those "negative" thoughts in. Really. You can't stop them but you can shift them to supportive ones. 

There are many myths and misleading directions out there. Trust in yourself and what you believe but be willing to question as well. You've got this!
