How to be ready for success in the new year


It is 2021!  Happy New Year and let’s hope that this year is better than the turbulent 2020.  All the uncertainty and unknown.  I am excited for the new year and all that it brings and I am all about supporting women to set themselves up for success when it comes to owning their expertise and their career progression.  

In this episode I will get you thinking about what you really want and reviewing what has gone before so that you can build a fantastic plan for 2021 that will create everything you want for you and your team.  Listen in to the questions I ask that will get those cogs turning ready to hit the ground running ….here is a taster

What things happened that you planned?   Were there things you were still waiting to happen?   Were you waiting to be offered more experience, or to speak up in that meeting or to be invited to present at that conference.   What made you feel like you were missed off the radar?   What opportunities did you think were coming your way but maybe didn't? -  Who are you blaming and can you start to look at approaching it differently to make it happen in 2021?  What would you need to have in order to achieve the things you want to achieve in 2021?   Do you have a GPS?   How will you know when you reach the goals you have set?

Don’t forget you can get my monthly NEWSLETTER that shares the latest around the gender pay gap, book recommendations and good practices that are happening all over the place that support more women to step up and be recognised for the value they bring.  

Get yours by clicking >> or book a chat

‘Do you have a GPS?  This is so important and is one of the key things I work with women on to make sure they know exactly where they want to be going’ - Gemma

‘This is key - review.  Spend some time reflecting and see what worked.  And when it comes to reflecting I am the woman to ask you some great questions to help you out on that front’ - Gemma

What is your company doing to celebrate International Women’s day in March 2021? 

Get in touch as I have an excellent lunch and learn session that is being booked by companies right now that focuses on self advocacy and how this builds self promotion for women's career progression so that they can start owning their expertise, and speaking up and asking for what they really want which fit is really well with the theme #ChooseTo Challenge. 

Email me for more info [email protected] or book in a call as I have a great deal happening for any company that books it in before the end of the year and I cannot wait to facilitate these sessions.





Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:



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“5 Steps to being more visible at work”

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