How avoiding being visible is a risky game to play

Top 3 reasons women avoid taking the risk to be visible  Benefits of staying hidden Staying small is not an option when you have big plans

Today’s episode is for you if you are still telling yourself that it is too risky to start being more visible. 

You worry that raising your profile will step on others toes or question yourself and whether you are good enough to even start sharing your opinions and speaking up. 

This one's for you because I want you to see how staying small and not taking risks is the riskiest thing that you could do in terms of your career progression and making that impact that I know you want to make. 

See how taking risks can lead to awesome things, that maybe you keep missing out on and how missing out is probably the riskiest decision you will actually make.

"Everyone thinks that being visible is high risk. Putting yourself out there risking your reputation and credibility.  When in fact the opposite is true. Not being visible or getting noticed is even more risky." - Gemma Stow



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