Why feedback is important for women's confidence

Barriers facing women at work Why feedback is important Celebrate the achievements The importance of peer recognition Internal Women's Networks (ERGs)

Today we are talking about the barriers that women often face when it comes to their career progression and what simple steps can be taken to to support them especially associated with remote working and the impact that this can have on women's visibility and career progression. 

Networking in the corridors of after face to face meetings isn't a possibility right now and we have to think differently to make it work for everyone.

We get to hear insights from the amazing Michelle Jackson who is EDI Adviser at Shaw Trust.  She creates strategies, a range of activities and ways of working that remove barriers faced by groups who are underrepresented in more senior roles in the workplace and create a culture where people feel confident to take forward opportunities.  Shaw Trust has got some exciting ideas lined up and I know Michelle and I could talk about this all day!  Take a listen.


Don’t forget you can get my monthly NEWSLETTER that shares the latest around the gender pay gap, talent development and good practices that are happening all over the place that support more women to step up and be recognised for the value they bring.  

Get yours by clicking >> https://www.gemmastow.com/newsletter or book a chat  https://calendly.com/gemmastow-1/call-with-gemma


What is your company doing to celebrate International Women’s day in March 2021? 

Get in touch as I have an excellent lunch and learn session that is being booked by companies right now that focuses on self advocacy and how this builds self promotion for women's career progression so that they can start owning their expertise, and speaking up and asking for what they really want which fit is really well with the theme #ChooseTo Challenge. 

Email me for more info [email protected] or book in a call and get it booked in the calendar. 





Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:





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Connect with your host Gemma Stow:

Website: https://www.gemmastow.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemmastow/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gemmastow

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomorehidingpodcast


Connect with guest Michelle Jackson:

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-jackson-58392b39/

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