Todays episode we will talk about Reality. We will understand - What is reality, different levels of reality and define Maya…..
Reality is something that has an independent existence, something that will not need additional proof to support it. Reality is something that does not change with time, not limited by space, nor affected by the law of cause and effect. Reality is that which is always true. Which means it is something that was true in the past, it is true in the present and it will be true in the future too.

The clothes that you wear, the curtains that are hanging on the windows, the bedsheets on the bed are naam and roopa of the same thing called cotton threads. The cotton threads can be further deconstructed in to cotton fiber, further into molecules, atoms, electrons, quarks….. which can go on till you find the base material - the adhistaana. Therefore the clothes, curtains and bed-sheets are mere naam and roopa, hence they are mithya.
We must understand here that presence of curtains, bed-sheet and clothes is not denied here. What is denied is the reality that is assigned to them.