Finding out what makes you rare and unforgettable can help you be triumphant in a competitive marketplace.

It’s not easy to reach the people you want to serve. In fact, it’s become even more difficult to get in front of people and engage them. Identifying what makes you stand out and using it to position yourself is the first step towards being successful in connecting with your audience.

There are many different ways you can position yourself and stand out as rare your industry, and the truth is that what makes you unique is probably more obvious than you think.

In this episode, you will learn about:

Ignoring judgement and doing what’s important to you despite what others think. What authority means and what an authority arc is. The secret to getting attention online today and what to do to get started. Proof that targeting your ideal client won’t alienate people outside your niche. Why it’s important to test your messaging and what that process looks like. The different ways you can stand out as rare in your industry. The power of consistency and how it outweighs being inconsistently amazing. How writing your “hero’s journey” can help you attract potential clients.



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Connect with Renée:

@renee_warren @we.wild.women