Hey you wild women!

Picture this: You've set some ambitious goals for the year, and by the time the summer comes, you feel overwhelmed, burdened, and quite frankly, demotivated. Sound familiar? That's exactly what we're addressing in today's episode.

We're tearing apart the myth that goals must be huge and complicated, and instead, we're exploring a simpler, more achievable approach to goal setting. Remember, it's the small decisions that snowball into significant habits. I’m also going to share my own goals for 2024, from growing my email list to improving my relationships and personal habits.

In this episode, you will learn about:

Why breaking down goals into manageable quarters and weeks is beneficial. How focusing on core dimensions of health, wealth, relationships, and mental health leads to success. Why regular review and adjustment of goals is important for growth and resilience. How to turn the daunting pursuit of big, bold goals into an exciting challenge. Why choosing one significant goal to champion relentlessly can lead to success. My personal goals for the upcoming year. How small decisions can snowball into significant, life-altering habits. The importance of sharing goals and fostering a community of mutual motivation and support. Why setting one big goal and consistently working towards it can lead to success. Why I want to be punctual, fit, and sober in 2024. Replacing bad habits with good ones. The power of setting goals that are achievable and that align with personal aspirations. How being a cheerleader for loved ones can lead to personal happiness and success. Why it’s good to set both business and personal goals.




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Connect with Renée:

@renee_warren @we.wild.women www.wewildwomen.com