Hey you wild women! 

Looking for ways to grow your online business and stand out in a crowded digital course market?

Then you’ll love this chat with culinary school master Meghan Telpner, best-selling author, speaker, nutritionist, and founder of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. Meghan didn't follow the conventional path of most online course creators. Instead, she took a risk and went against the grain.  

And you know what? It paid off big time.

Meghan’s programs have graduated over 3000 students from 80 countries while maintaining a 90% student completion rate - unheard of in the online course world! Meghan's secret sauce is in her uncommon approach to marketing and growing her business. Instead of relying solely on paid advertising and funnels, Meghan relies on student feedback to help her fresh and improve her flagship program every year. Her ultimate goal is to give every person who joins the Academy the most live and in-person experience they could have while preserving her own quality of life as an entrepreneur, wife, and mother. As a result, her program has been financially successful for over a decade, and her students rate their confidence in the kitchen at 100%! ⁣

From implementing four-day work weeks to ‘cleaning out’ her email list, Meghan has figured out a winning recipe for success, allowing her to stand out from others in the online course space consistently. So, what are these secrets? Tune in to find out! 

In this episode you will learn about:

Uncommon strategies to stand out and succeed in a crowded digital course market Implementing 4-day work weeks to increase your team’s productivity The power of organic content marketing Secrets to increasing your student completion rates Why email list size is not everything



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Connect with Meghan Telpner:

@meghantelpner @culinarynutrition www.culinarynutrition.com

Connect with Renée Warren:

@renee_warren @we.wild.women www.wewildwomen.com