On the previous episode we covered one of Chris' favourite films so it seemed fitting that we let the newly dubbed Horror Fiend Sam pick one of his favourites. That film is none other than 2010's Stake Land!

Sharpen your stakes, ready your bow and grab your floppiest hat as we travel across the vampire infested world that is Stake Land.

In Mister We Trust.


Into The Minds Of Madness is a (generally) weekly horror movie podcast hosted by your Horror Aficionado Chris Dicker and the Horror Fiend Sam Dicker.

Covering the classics, the just released, the oft-forgotten gems and the train wrecks of the genre. From monster flicks to home invasion thrillers, body horror to campy slashers and everything in between.

Jump on iTunes and give us a head-spinning 5 stars and write us a review if you so desire!

Or if you wanna let us know what you're enjoying, send your hate mail or tell us there's somebody calling from inside the house, hit us up at [email protected] or follow us on social media to keep up to date on when a new episode is (a)live!





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