Hello Loonies!

Another newsletter is thrust upon you and I am hoping you catch it with both hands!

After an action packed previous week (I recorded a guest spot on another podcast, as well as releasing two episodes last week for ITK), it's time to settle things down and resume our usual groove. This coming weekend, Connorshu and I will be tackling a continuation of the Modern Run reviews which fall on every waxing crescent...




Yep, we'll be looking at Bendis' run again, and to be completely honest with you - doing a re-read of this isn't half bad! I know there's alot of heat from Loonies of this run, but kinda knowing that it's so different and flies int eh face of Moon Knight canon, makes this re-read alter my expectations and enjoy it for what it is...

We've also received some feedback from Loonies on our iTunes rating and reviews (which we are eternally grateful) and there has been a call for a more in-depth analyses of these books rather than just touching the surface, so to speak.

We here at ITK pride ourselves with listening to the Loonies out there, but would also like to make our podcast accessible to all Loonies from all walks of life and from all levels of experience. You may be a seasoned long-time MK fan, or just new to the game -either end of the spectrum, we hope to accommodate on our podcast!

So look out for our slight tweak to our comic review in this upcoming episode. We'll aim to add a bit more framework to the main points and hopefully it can add some value to some long-time MK fans listening out there. Much of our podcast is based on just two friends chatting about what they love and looking at Moon Knight through their eyes and what we love about him - so we'll keep our brand of banter going but at the same time, will try and add more depth where we can...

By the same token, we always do encourage Loonies to get their thoughts in on the show and the books that are reviewed. So if you'd like to weigh in and highlight themes or characterisations from a comic book that we review, why not get it down on ink (or digital word) and shoot it over to us! We always like to bounce off your thoughts as well! Below are the many ways you can reach us... let's keep this an open dialogue - Connorshu and I are just the vessels...the true knowledge comes from the collective minds of all the Loonies out there!

DISCUSSION THREAD Email: [email protected] Podcast Page: http://intotheknight.libsyn.com Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base Twitter: @ITKmoonknight Discord ITK Server: ITK Server

If you DON'T want your comments broadcast, please just add, "(DNB)" at the end of your comment, and we'll be sure not to broadcast it. We'll pick a few comments from here and discuss on the show!


Can't believe it! We've surpassed 1000 members! A HUGE thank you to all the Loonies who have joined the community and as mentioned we had a competition for the chance to win an official ITK T-shirt as a way of saying thank you for all your support.

Entries closed once we hit the big 1K, so best of luck to those entrants who registered ti be in the running! We'll announce the winner on the upcoming episode too (I have to remind Connorshu to bring his 12 sided die! :P).

A couple of small tokens will also be sent to the 999th and 1000th Loonies who were responsible for us reaching the 1K..so Sam Wiley and Jared Marn, please drop us a line with your postal addresses and we'll get our ITK sticker out to you!

For anyone else wanting ITK merchandise, you can also visit our store front at Tee Public - 

ITK Store Front @ TeePublic

I believe there may be a discount on around this time, so you may be able to score gear at a discounted price!



Finally, hot off the press - would just like to welcome the newest additions to The Collective (our informal network of podcast shows) - We Are Venomaniacs! and Nexus Of All Realities - A Man-Thing Podcast!

Very excited to have these shows as part of the Collective now, so please be sure to check out their super shows! We'll plug them again on the upcoming show and have a bit more detail for you (though I've added the links above), should you wish to check them out!

OK, that'll do me for now in this here newsletter. We may also briefly talk about the wrap up of the Secret Warps annuals, as Arach-Knight may have more to do in the last part of the arc over at the Iron Hammer Annual...other than that, hope you just keep reading good comics!! Until, then - 

May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,


Proud Member of The Collective


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