Hello Loony Listeners!

The Moon really has been playing silly buggers as of late, but you know what? For the High Priests and all the Loony Listeners out there that's a good thing, as we have another different sorta show for you coming up this week!



We're lucky to have fallen onto a SPOTLIGHT episode - these episodes are quite flexible and basically are meant to spotlight anything we see fit!! In the past, it's been on various Moon Knight supporting characters, but this time around we thought it would be great to have a chat with one of our beloved Loonies, Knol Tate.

As the title of this newsletter suggests, Knol is the frontman to the band Deleter, who have also been so gracious as to allow us to use their music for basically most (if not all) of the music you hear on the show. It's extra special to actually have music supplied by a fellow Loony - you hear Connorshu and myself reiterate time and time again that we love to build this community with as much involvement from the fans of Moony, so it was a no brainer to ask Knol to supply the music for ITK.

We've actually already got the show in the bag on this, and it's just running by our production suite (i.e the laptop form yours truly) to stitch the episode together. It was massively fun to chat with Knol, and apart from discussing the music of Deleter, we also just have a nice chillaxed discussion on Knol's favourite comics; his numerous creative outlets, as well as his thoughts of the comic book TV and film both past and present!

The finale of the show delves into the progress of Deleter's next upcoming EP release, and you'll be glad to know it's based on Moon Knight - actually, the Ellis-Shalvey run! We can't wait to hear it, but it was also insightful gaining a peek into the creative process and what to expect!!

So, typically I'd post up a discussion thread for the show, but since we aren't really reviewing any books, I might post up a thread about Moon Knight and music...what music you hear in YOUR head when you read Moon Knight, or imagine a TV show or film...

You can reach us on ANY of the below social media platforms - please do drop us a line - we always love to hear from fellow Loonies...and we'll definitely give you a shout out on the show!!

Email: [email protected] Podcast Page: http://intotheknight.libsyn.com Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base Twitter: @ITKmoonknight Discord ITK Server: ITK Server Twitch: COMING SOON!

If you DON'T want your comments broadcast, please just add, "(DNB)" at the end of your comment, and we'll be sure not to broadcast it. We'll pick a few comments from here and discuss on the show!


......That pretty much wraps it up for this newsletter...can't wait for you to hear the chat...I'll be aiming to post it up on Friday night (Aussie time...so maybe around Friday morning for US and Europe listeners) as that is when the New Moon is out!

Be sure to check it out in the night sky - it's pretty much Khonshu's Eye beaming down at you - make sure to give him a thumbs up and a wink back!!

May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,


Proud Member of The Collective


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