It's that time again!!!

Yes Loonies, a slightly late release of our newsletter, but still hopefully enough time for you to grab an issue out, sit back, relax and get your Khonshu on!

This weekend, we look up into Khonshu's Eye in the sky and see - 


...which will be our Classic Run for this coming episode. As mentioned in the last podcast episode, we have already covered Marvel Team-Up Annual #4 (which is technically the next apearance of Moon Knight in comic history) waaaay back in our 2nd episode of the fledging podcast! I'll put a link in the show notes of the coming episode of that very review, should you wish to hear how we go through that exciting issue which from memory includes the likes of Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and the Purple Man!

So, this classic run, we'll be clicking over to the next issue where we see our boy in white, and that will be - 



I haven't read this one yet, but will be sure to do so before we record (as if that wasn't obvious enough!).

Joining us will be no stranger to the podcast, and one of our favourite Loonies to have on the show, Josh 'Geronimo' Johnson. Josh has a particular affinity to the Amazing Spider-man series so it'll be nice to have him on the show to talk all about it!

I'll drop a discussion thread in our FB group, which will serve as a repository for discussion on the issue! Hope you get to read it, as it looks like a heap of fun!

Any feedback you'd like to share on the issue, please do not hesitate to contact us on email or on any of the avenues as shown below - 

Email: [email protected] Podcast Page: Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base Twitter: @ITKmoonknight

Please be sure to specify if you DON'T want to have stuff read out on the show - otherwise, we'll pick an assortment of feedback that we see relevant for discussion and will read it out!

There has been discussion that those who post on Facebook don't necessarily want their posts read out on air, so I can only remind you once again to let us know if you don't want it read out!

Also, due to our lovely increasing numbers in the group, we'll have to choose only a few comments to post here and there on the show...also we will be filtering any comments which we deem inappropriate. Don't want to sound like a sad sac, but unfortunately, this is sometimes necessary....!

OK! With all that, I hope to have you tune in on our episode for this week! Please be sure to give us an itunes review if you can or want - it really helps us get out there and makes it easier for other potential Loonies to join in on the fun!

Take care fellow Loonies, and speak again soon!

May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,


Proud Member of The Collective


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