Hello Helloooo!

It's great to be back, Loonies - coming to you via the pages of the humble ITK newsletter!

First and foremost (and I'll reiterate this in the next episode), I'd like to extend a massive thank you to Tommy 'The Man on the Streets' Kawel and his partner in crime, Matthew 'I'm not Daredevil' the Lawyer for filling in whilst I was away. They did a fantastic job and I hope your interest has been piqued at reading Secret Avengers by Brubaker! I am reading up on the series now (like Matthew, I've recently acquired the Complete Collection trade paperback) and am thoroughly enjoying it!

Secondly, I'd like to thank my fantastic co-hosts Rebecca and Connor for stepping in and hosting an episode too (also, big thanks to Connor for picking up the production work too, to make the episode possible for your listening ears). It was a total hoot, and I am lying if I said it didn't put a smile on my face, the way both Rebecca and Connor gave the show an affectionate irreverence...I'm still trying to figure out what a poly-whirl is!

So! With those excellent episodes just recently released, I also released an episode I had recorded a couple of months ago. Yep, it was another one of those ISLA RA sessions which we just love to do, and it was an absolute joy to have Scott on the show...we'll aim to release an ISLA RA episode every month or so, just to shake things up...but we're also well aware that ITK is a Moon Knight podcast, so we'll try and keep it Moon Knight-centric! :)

Speaking of which - this coming episode, we'll be returning to the standard format of our LUNAR-PICK review, and this time it's a continuation of the classic run, and a round-up of the Hatchet Man/Randall Spector arc - 


As previously mentioned, our LUNAR-PICKS will be short, sharp reviews of just one comic issue, as opposed to the more elaborate OVER THE MOON multiple book reviews and synopses...

A short summary of the LUNAR-PICK format - 

The LUNAR-PICK will have -

- Quick Fire Synopsis

- White Noise (Discussion on issue)

- Moon Rating...Old, Half, Three-Quarter or Full Moon

We're still toying with the idea of being fast and loose with our reviews, so don't be surprised if we start reviewing Warren Ellis' run in the near future - we've been able to discuss at least two of the Ellis issues via a couple of the ISLA RA sessions...but due to popular demand, we may put the classic run on hold at a logical point (it could well be after the conclusion of this Randall Spector arc) and bounce to a more modern run! :) We'll see how it all pans out!

I'll post a discussion thread int he ITK group as well, for anyone who wishes add their thoughts on The Hulk! #18 which we will review... please consider doing so, as it's always great to hear what you think of these historical stories of Moon Knight which have shaped the hero you see today!

Email: [email protected] Podcast Page: http://intotheknight.libsyn.com Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base Twitter: @ITKmoonknight

Alrighty! Am looking forward to dusting off the mic once again and getting back into it!! Thank you so much for listening and please be sure to spread the word, and if possible, give us an iTunes rating, as it will help get our name out there!! More importantly, it will satisfy Khonshu, and get Moony out there for one and all!!

I'm outta here to check on Finn - hope to hear from y'all soon!

May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,


Proud Member of The Collective

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