Salutations Loony Listeners!

Welcome to another ITK newsletter for you, this 25th September 2019....right, with those formalities out of the way, you probably are wondering what has been happening and what is in store for the coming episode this weekend...let me tell you, after a bumper few weeks with awesome guests and spin-off shows, we are returning to the ROOTS of the show and will be looking at an issue from ye olde Volume 1 of Moon Knight -




Written by Doug Moench, Art by Bill Sienkiewicz

Unfortunately, as mentioned in the previous ISLA RA episode, I wasn’t able to secure a time for Luis ‘Mr Moon Knight’ Brambila to come onto the show this weekend to chat about issue #8.

Understandably so, Luis has family obligations (here’s to the wonderful addition to the family, Luis!), so Luis will be kept busy enough as it is with feeding, changing nappies and what-not. The two High Priests should be available to look at the review and although I’ve not confirmed it yet…let’s just say for argument’s sake that Connorshu will be onboard to look at a very interesting issue from Doug Moench!

I’ll see if we broadcast a live stream as well…some of you may have noticed that we have been playing around with a new platform, GetVokl, which allows us to broadcast live and simulcast onto our Facebook, Twitter and Youtube…it’s a fun thing to do and we’ll try and work out when best to use it, but for the meantime, tune in to -

ITK GetVokl Podcast Room

Date: 28th September, 2019

Time: 9.15pm (GMT+10)

Location: see link above..


Our spoiler thread will be posted up on most of our social network platforms - just look out for the huge **SPOILER DISCUSSION THREAD** header and leave your thoughts in there.

For the Facebook Group and Page, please keep all spoilers within these provided threads - it will ensure that no one unwittingly stumbles onto random spots which may spoil them...!

If you DON'T want your comments broadcast, please just add, "(DNB)" at the end of your comment, and we'll be sure not to broadcast it. We'll pick a few comments from here and discuss on the show!

If you aren't really a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram person, you can always reach us on any of the other platforms below - 

Email: [email protected] Podcast Page: Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base Twitter: @ITKmoonknight Discord ITK Server: ITK Server

We love hearing from you and typically your comments generate thought provoking discussion on the show and allows us to dive deeper into the issues - don't hesitate to give it a go!


Some of you may also have noticed this week that another episode was dropped without any pomp or circumstance. Well, it was a long time coming and without going into too much detail, a HUGE effort by some Loonies have made the release of the second part to our Loony-centric ROUNDTABLE ROBIN Special possible!

Am very proud to release this episode which has an episode run by you, the Loonies themselves - Tommy, Knol and Rick get together for the first time to shoot the breeze, talk about their love for comics, Moon Knight, about the growth of ITK, as well as their nicknames!

Yessiree, a big shoutout to those guys, and I must put it on record (and will note on our upcoming episode) that credit to a couple of their nicknames must go to Connorshu, not me! Connorshu is the funny one out of the two of us....and he's the progenitor of 'The Rickball Special' and 'Man on the Streets' if memory serves me correct!

So I just wanted to get that down on paper and make sure Connorshu gets the credit!

Anyway, if it’s slipped by you, you can check out their very fun episode here -


And if you haven’t already, why not check out Part 1 too?


I’d like to throw it out there too, that if any Loonies would like to give podcasting a go, and come on the show to chat with other Loonies, you only have to say the word! We love our community and encourage everyone to join in and meet each other if they can, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to give it a go! As you can tell, I love podcasting, so happy to share the love and opportunity!

#ITKMoonKnight 2019 Fantasy Comic League (FCL) - 2nd Season: September Progress

The second season of the Fantasy Comic League is well underway for the #ITKMoonKnight division, with a running progress posted up late last week showing how each of the Loonies stand - 

Tommy has returned to the new season with a vengeance and jumps out to a decent lead ahead of the pack; I'm close behind, and I hope that Wolverine can cash in some points over the coming weeks...he's generally a golden goose, but anything is possible. Chad has stepped up to the plate this time and he's shown his intent by claiming third place so far - we've only just touched the surface with Dr Doom, so big things are surely up ahead for Chad....oh! Also Serpent War will also boost Chad's score no doubt in the final month.

The remaining players Jason and Dustin round off the division. Jason's first season with the #ITKMoonKnight crew and he's made a solid start. History has shown that Cap and Cap Marvel are big hitters, so expecting to see big things from Jason in the weeks to come. Dustin also doesn't have a bad team at all, and you'd think that She-Hulk will feature big for the remainder of the year, due to her TV show announcement. Similar to Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight, it would be silly of Marvel to not tout these characters around in their comics to generate a buzz for the interest shown from the TV show announcements.

A pretty good start to the second season I say - it's all up for grabs still....stay tuned here, or type in #FantasyComicLeague (or heck, follow @FantasyComicLG  on Twitter to stay up to date with the FCL standings for not only ITK, but all the other divisions too!


 It's a little late, but our ITK merchandise has been updated, so for a limited time (say for about a month or so), you'll be able to purchase some clothing, pins or stickers of our official 'Certified Loony' design!

Wear it proudly and tell the world in no less terms, what you are - an ITK and Moon Knight fan!

Links to our merchandise can be found at the bottom of this newsletter - consider making a purchase today! All proceeds go towards the upkeep of the podcast!


Finally, I just wanted to mention that this weekend, I'm super excited as I'll be attending a comic book convention - the first convention I've attended over the last 28 or so years (!)....I went to one way back in 1991 and it's still been the only comic book convention I've ever been to.

I'll be attending alongside fellow Collective member, Dave Finn from The Signal of Doom Podcast and it should be a hoot! I'm not too sure what to expect - over here in Australia, there have been not so positive reviews of comic cons here...mainly because they tend to not focus too much on comics...but I'll still keep an open mind.

I'm all about bargains, so I'll be taking some cash with me and hope to score some deals on anything Moon Knight, Black Knight, Hercules, Marvel Legends, Quasar or Wonder Man!


That about wraps it up for this newsletter - thanks for staying in touch and for listening to our show. If you haven't been that's cool... this is all about bringing the fans together, and if we've achieved that, then we're happy.

If you are new to ITK...a HUGE welcome to you!! I hope you like what you read and what you hear....drop us a line....we always love to hear from you!

May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,


Proud Member of The Collective


Remember! You can buy your official ITK merchandise at ...ITK Store Front @ TeePublic


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